I would like to present a little information on Seti UNIVERSE. (http://www.setiuniverse.com/)
Seti UNIVERSE is a stand alone website, that seeks to involve all of the SETI disciplines in one place, radio, optical, microwave, and amateur Seti. However, this website will also minor in other forms of extraterrestrial life. Life such as bacterial, viral, plant, animal, and other life forms as yet to be described. We will also explore the controversial subject of UFO Research.
This website also has art and literature to provide that sometimes needed diversion, for you to enjoy and to be inspired by!
A new section called "Writer of the Month" is about to be added to the Seti UNIVERSE website.
If you have a short story of your own that you would like to be considered, just email it to
[email protected] as a MSWord attachment and we will review it. (Read the instructions below.) It must not exceed fifteen pages as a MSWord document and the plot MUST be about one of the following subjects.
The categories that we are presently seeking are Science Fiction, Fantasy, Future, General, Historical, Kids, Mythology, Thriller, and Poetry. Please keep in mind that Seti UNIVERSE is a family oriented website and that the highest rated stories that we are willing to except is “Râ€.
This website is not associated with any other SETI Organization.