Most people, at least once. Better to meet somebody and find out that they're "not for you" than to wonder and ache for somebody that you wouldn't want to spend the next 5 minutes with let alone the rest of your life. I'd say that looks aren't important, but they do. Sucks doesn't it. Anyone I'd like to meet must have the following: a human head(not some over-inflated balloon animal), 2 arms and 2 legs attached to their body(they can be cybernetic), a body in reasonably good shape(must be able to live for more than 6 months), a personality(a MUST and a good one at that), a good realistic opinion of themselves, and, most importantly, their own life. I have a good one that I'm willing to share, but I don't want some "Single White Female"/"Black Widow" who just wants to assimilate my life and friends into theirs.People I don't want to meet: Webslingers who are just interested in getting more hits for their sites so that they can make a buck, youngsters who spend more time on the computer trying to make friends instead of "interfacing" with their fellow humans face to face, any new "fresh" band that is just looking for justification as to why they should "keep the band together" instead of selling out and getting some crappy job that they'd be miserable doing(if you make music because if makes you happy, keep making it; you don't need my support, only your own creative drive and will).