Myspace LayoutsI spend my days making colourful & sparkley things, swapping slams & decos, eating sweet things and fantasizing about all the places I could travel if I wasn't a shopaholic... I'm looking for birthday twins...January 18th, baybee!
travel, vintage, amigurumi, fruits,the Bahamas, rainbows, plastic rings, slams, decos, san-x, sanrio, thai food, tex-mex, all types of booty*shakin' music, pirate stuff, frooliemew, fashion, zebra print, chai tea, jewelry making & design, cookies baked from scratch, yumpop, emily the strange, making paper, screenprinting, fiber art, cats, records, John Waters, Trapped in the Closet, roadtrips, etsy, power puff girls, eeyore, palm trees, elvis, swear shoes, star print anything, flying kites, colouring books, trilliums, sleeping in, mountains, chocolate pancakes, costume wings, pecans, pine nuts, roasted pumpkin seeds, pickle chips, diet coke, Brattleboro Retreat, Hill County Place, Portsmouth Pavillion, Banff, snow angels, dorks, Happy Bunny, long letters via snail mail...GIANT COCKTAILS!!!!!!!going to SINGALONGS & taking cray-zee pix B4 them!!! being hardcore: taking pics of myself in the mirror: MAKING FUN OF PETER HOKE OF OHIO... COLLECTING HELLO KITTY STUFF: BEING A RAVE KID! WHEEEE! HALLOWEEN! (& being a witch...which happens on other occasions as well!)
Only people equally or more awesome than I. ;) Get Your Own Voice Player Manage
all sorts of random crap...but mostly electronic, hip hop & rock, baybee...
Trapped in the Closet!!!!!
all the Emily the Strange books... The Corrections-Jonathan Franzen...