Scouts In Skirts profile picture

Scouts In Skirts

About Me

The Lowdown On The Scouts...
Scouts In Skirts are a renegade scout troop from West Sussex, they work from home as mercenarys; soldiers of fortune to the world of scouting and music, after Lord Badene Powelle rubbished the group as neo-classical Michael Jackson impersonators and was even rumoured to have been quoted as saying "Yeah, I don't like them" - disturbing I think you'll agree.
Formed by ex-frontman Rabbitte Manne, keyboardist Hazel Danger and bassist Chikky Makane during an outing to the old mill in february 2003, they didnt think to start making music untill mid 2006, after line-up shuffles and love-ins had seen Panther Star 3.5 and Seventy Piratus join the fray. They have now recorded seven songs in as many minutes; each of which far exceeds the 1 minute mark - perplexing, yes. The Scouts In Skirts sound is a unique sound, many would say highly cultured by foreign influences and funerals. The SIS mix an onslaught of fresh, happenin' beats with a thunderous lack of bass and tinny, distorted guitars whilst stirring in some quirky keyboards with a giant wooden spoon. So quirky, even Pauliine Quiirke would be proud - she is rumoured to be a huge fan of quirkiness.
With such a solid slab of musical prestige, Trent Bahrain's not-digeridoo gives SIS an "X" factor, and guitarist Thorsten Catnip's use of the kazoo will blow your mind away. You may want to sit down before listening.
Alas the first incarnation of the band died a death upon a wet, slippery mountain one winters eve and has not been heard from since. Rest assured however, they are not really dead and are only pretending, so as to trick bears and gnats. However, while we may have recruited new members, if you cross us we will send round Badene-Powelle to lick your food before you eat it, then not tell you and let you eat while he giggles in the corner and you wonder why he's giggling, and you say to yourself "why is Lord Baddene-Powelle giggling?"'s cos he licked your food.
The lyrics of the SiS are equally enjoyable to transgender persons as they are to us "normal" folk; but what makes a person normal? We dont know, but with us guiding you, perhaps we can all find out together. Like trapped wind, our lyrics first are painful, but then full of relief.
You've been Rogered...
Scouts honour
What people have said of the SiS...
"Scouts In Skirts... Yeh they're menaces aren't they?" (Rory Attwell/Raary Deci-hells - Rat:Att:Agg/Test-Icicles)
"Oh when will i be king" (Prince Naseem Windsor)
"I love being king" (King Herod Windsor)
"Eee Lyyr Skaaet Nyyn Sqqqrtx, Taey Rrra Gqhnnnda" (Flannelus)
"Eee Akkryt" (Crumlon)
"Scouts In Skirts possess the strength of ten men. Who each possess the strength of ten men. In Other words the strength of one hundred men." (Konrad Floater - Labour Party)
"When you hear these songs of arduous angst and mirth wrapped in the bittersweet caramelised longing for justifiable existence it makes you forget what you first started talking about." (Spokesabiotic for Scotland)
"There is nothing I liked better in the heady days of Brit-Pop than smashing in 15 goals a game for my team, Manchester City, then going home to my wife and kids and forcing them at gunpoint to listen to the glorious music of Scouts In Skirts (Gary Flick-comb)
"I broke down again and cried long after the songs had finished. " (Panther Star 3.5)
"Do you like to dance? Do you like to fall-over? Do you like to blend the two, in order to keep the masses guessing? Scouts In Skirts deliver all of the aforementioned." (Djibrille Seesaw)
"It's embracing the cut and paste ethic of todays underground society, its at once full of hope yet bleak. " (Gorge-Bush Snr.)
"You guys had the special stuff inside you all along." (Michael Jordan - Space Jam)
"Scouts In Skirts possess the strength of 10 men, Who each posses the strength of 10 men. In other words the strength of 100 men. (Alphonse brown, le dinde son of the JB - Jaaaaaaaames Broooooooown)
"Yer music makes me feel fantabuliciouslyish good!" (madamesaucy from MySpace)
"If only i had the amount of money the Scouts do. I would spend it on birds, booze and drugs.
...Then I would put some pound coins in a sock and smash in the heads of the poor." (Liberty Valance)
"i heard your music n its well dead good." (Lawrah-like lightning--- from MySpace)
"Clinically proven to cause orgasm" (Dr McEnery, Univerisity of Jess)
"It's a call to arms for every man woman and child to get out of their seat and fight for what they believe in." (Firm Britton, This Morning)
"Passable" (Badene Powelle, Scout Leader/Founder/Male)
"Take your filthy hands off me!" (Female)
"ooh, you boyth thound like early genethith!!" (Julie Osey, 21, resident of Piley)
"I first met the Scouts in a doorway at a nice place. They seemed very nice. I like them. Sometimes I like to listen to their songs and imagine a better world; a bit like Venus maybe, but not as hot and nasty.' (Chris Akabustop)
"Mothers have always sung lullabies to their children to sooth them and the Love Brigade album collects together the most famous and memorable classical lullabies to calm, relax and help your baby fall fast asleep" (K'Nicket Caraticket - Reviewer for the New York Times"
"so you're a bit like god" (Elizabeth from MySpace)
"Time is running out for Scouts In Skirts" (Some Lawyers)
"Wassabi-Sauce!" (Godzilla - Giant Mutant Monster)
"Scouts In Skirts seem like the kind of guys that invite you over to their house, and when you get there they're just really happy to see you for some reason. And you go into their room and you see that they still have Care Bears on their beds, and their mum makes you celery sticks, and your thinking 'wow these guys grew up on the sunny side of lollypop lane'. But then as you're leaving you find a note in their desk drawer that has a list of the top ten ways they would like to disembowel a cat, complete with diagrams. But before you leap out of the nearest window you just kind of shake it off, assuming you're going a bit crazy cos you've been over-exposed to niceness. Kind of like sun stroke." (Signally Weavilly)
"...And unto us the Lord did giveth the Scouts emblazoned in thier Skirts, they shall henceforth be forever known as Scouts In Skirts. Jesus smiled, and the world did boogie" (Dancing Bishop - Head Of The Church Of SiS)
"'My Daddy loved hazel danger and his Daddy loved hazel danger." (Charltone Hestone)
"When I was a young boy, my father took me into the city to see the Scouts In Skirts" (Gerarde Waye - Leader of the Black Parade)
"Scouts In Skirts take things that should not be; indeed, often things that plainly 'are not' and peruse the musical landscape before them, searching for the perfect resting places for these 'not-things'... I've seen them putting reggae peppers in a skiffle slurry. Can we believe anything nowadays? I often doubt it... It is for this reason alone, that David Seaman grew a pony-tail. Scouts In Skirts, I welcome you into my heart, my country, but never into my home, because we've put up a new daedo-rail." (Fiddle Cats-toe, speaking at a Queue ban meeting)
"Not as good as Pogs" (!4 year old School boy from Bishop's Waltham) - unfortunatly after this statement was made Trent decided to exact revenge on the small boy by dressing him as a dog and making him pretend he was the boy from "Woof". .
Recently those lovely SiS boys were subject to being the main thrust of one of the greatest essays of modern times.
View the full essay here

My Interests


Member Since: 09/06/2005
Band Website:
Band Members: Hazel Danger - Keyboards/Silly putty/Samples & Superstar megamixes/Cheerleading/Cow bell & other assorted percussion/Vocals/Les Dennis.

Hazel has an exact replica of the Abraham Lincoln memorial made from matchsticks, which was given to him by the Elephant Man.

Panther Star 3.5 - Guitars/Vocals/Percussion/Roller-discos/Naughtiness/Noises/W eaving/Strings/Keyboards/Leg-warmers-on-arms-man.

Panther was abandonded by his mother at a young age and subsequently lived with talking walruses on the French coast.

Thorsten Catnip - Guitars/Chants/Kazoos/Vocals/Great-grandma to the stars/Stegasaurus.

The SiS' german exchange student. Born without a nose.

Chikky Makane - Bass/Brutality/Buttering the toast/Local anaesthetic/Noises/Dread/Vocals/Drum machine.

Once woke up to find a monkey touching him. Pretended he was still asleep so that the monkey wouldn't stop.

Seventy Piratus - Guitars/Keyboards/Drum machine/Noises/Programming/Vocals/Grapes/Gropes/Grapes.

Seventy is Bille Gatese make-believe-half brother and hopes one day to run his own traveling circus.

Trent Bahrain - Digeridoo/Acoustic guitar/Bath water tester/Vocals/Percussion/Mexican outfit/Lisps.

Found by the SiS in a tin of tuna. Acquired the power of flight at a young age.

Linton ~CaRcass~ - Keyboards/Noises/Noses/Nosy parker/Nail polish/Nail police/Jimmy Nail/Verbal warnings/detentions.

Ruined four wives in one sitting. Afraid of pasties.

Mr Phosforous/Dr Laytex - Undrums/Undrummer/Radiant smiles/High-5s/Roly-polys/Hat-putter-on-er/Lego.

Mr Phosforus used to work in a lightbulb factory. Dr Laytex pulls out teeth and sells them on Ebay.

Rabbitte Manne - Vocals/Dancing/Cheerleading/Hand-claps & other assorted percussion/Admin staff.

Rabbitte has the tightest buttocks in Europe - once crushed an elephant with them.

Ebony McShower**** - Theremin/Guitar/Moobs/Trellising/Water-breaker/Hard hats/All round man of nice nature/Long arm of the Lordi/Eurovison song contest 1998.

Ebony has got two faces, one of which he keeps in his wallet, he also loves laughing at people with leprosy, so if you are inflicted with this terrible disease, please dont give him a hand. it will just fall off.

L'Orenzo Smashpasty - Not the undrummer but drummer/Little pies/Big pies/Curled shoots/Shooter/Hooters.

L'Orenzo Smashpasty pudding and pie, kissed the boys and made them cry

Pigge Swillie - Morale/Muck/Fire-putter-outer/Horns/Keyboards/Woodwind/Symbo lism/Bringer of loose women.

Pigge wears a hat, made of a decomposing Mre Motivatore - this aids in seaweed defence.

Plumage Extremadura - Pia-pia-pi-an-o/Viola/Ariola/Horns/Corns/Flowering/Defloweri ng/Keys/Weeds/Needs of the many/Needs of the few/all come under our tutelage too.

Plumage invented smell-o-vision television, and enjoys revisionism and bicyclism.

Highlie Salasies Collateral-Damage Pieces of 8/Rabies/Rabbies/Rabbi/Rabbits/Rancor monster/RIP

Mr Collateral-Damage dresses as Joan Fashanu.

Ebney Grantuantula Didn't have to do that if he didn't want to.

Kev Wot Dun It Producer/Conducer/Enigma/Condolences/Spatulas/Condors/Contou rs/Adores/Floorspace/Inner Space

Kev has a face... and it looks amazing naked!

Finbarr Ole-Ole Biscuit Barrel Scrotums/Testes/Ballbags/Teabags/Willybag/
Finbarr won a boat race, and lists his hobbies as cat strangling, masturbating, and selling home-made cakes at the local Women's Institute hall.
Influences: Dark parties, Dark panties, Grapes, Sigue Sigue Sputnik, Polyphonic Spree, Dexy’s Midnight Runners, Shitmat, Santana, Kraftwerk , Glam, Noise, Gang-vocals, Dread, paddles, left, Dread, Judge Dread, Dread, leftovers, nice lambies, Treachery Lazer-Fiend, scout love, Jambo Jangles
Sounds Like: An i-pod dying
A computer crashing
A quiet spring afternoon being obliterated by wild labrador
Stephen Hawking riding a bicycle no-handed
Desmond Lynam mounting Desmond Tutu in a moon buggy
Des ’O’ Connor dancing on 100 year old graves

...Bad love
Record Label: Scout Out Loud Records
Type of Label: Major

My Blog

Prelude To Flannelus

In short, if you want to hear the first track from '8th Son' go to our website.Now for the long version;Calling all scouting fans!To all those desperate fans waiting anxiously to hear the first notes ...
Posted by on Mon, 18 Aug 2008 17:25:00 GMT

Flannelus Rides!

Ride Flannelus Ride! from Scouts In Skirts website Whilst some may claim that "Institutional arrangements for planning and taking decisions about purpose, content and work methods comprise two key ele...
Posted by on Thu, 14 Aug 2008 17:56:00 GMT

scouty scouty

all the scouts in a line.   drop a penny, pick it up, all the day you will have one penny more than the scouts.
Posted by on Tue, 18 Dec 2007 09:08:00 GMT

Hes only gone and bloody done it!

HAzel is on the march again! take you bastard you cunt!   Hooway!!!!
Posted by on Thu, 24 May 2007 05:24:00 GMT

Entertainment Weekly

Scouts In Skirts were recently the subject of an article written for Entertainment Weekly.You can view said article hereThorsten
Posted by on Tue, 06 Mar 2007 18:41:00 GMT

A Review

Scouts In Skirts are a formidable bunch, their debut long player not yet finished but we have managed to get ourselves a sneak preview of their album, "Love Brigade". Title track "Love Brigade" is the...
Posted by on Wed, 24 Jan 2007 16:11:00 GMT


We are pleased to announce the signing of Death Lepper to the Scout Out Loud label.       He brings with him a wife, Edna, and...
Posted by on Thu, 11 Jan 2007 10:47:00 GMT

Official Announcement

BREAKING NEWS!   It is confirmed that Marc Boone and Art Pinter have joined Scouts In Skirts.   The two men were formally part of the Scout's rival band, "The Act Of Mercy". The two ban...
Posted by on Tue, 09 Jan 2007 11:09:00 GMT

A Big Week For The SiS

A big month in fact!   Hazel has been busy recently, producing some solo tracks that may well be used on the album, which is currently rivaling Chinese Democracy on the delayed stakes.   A M...
Posted by on Tue, 19 Dec 2006 06:48:00 GMT

Dear Scouts In Skirts...

"Dear Scouts In Skirts,Your band and website have recently been brought to my attention as my 12 year old son was browsing the internet for information on the scouting organisation for a project his t...
Posted by on Sat, 09 Sep 2006 00:08:00 GMT