I love music because it makes me feel fantastic. I love Aou. I love movies because they posses the magnificent power to magically whisk us away. I love Brady because he is the greatest human being of all time. I love my friends because they all love me.. as far as I know. I love Disneyland because it truly is the happiest place on Earth. I'm going to live in the top story of mainstreet Disney sometime in my life, and my friends and I will chill all day and party all night. Girls are really cool. The guitar is a real pain in the ass but is also pretty cool. Video games RULE! My cat Sassy is a great cat. My shitty ass chihuahua Sam is actually a good dog, especially for a shitty ass chihuahua. I love Cinnamon.
Anything that hits my ears and makes me feel like dancing inside. Old and new. The list keeps going and growing, I'll never be satisfied. Music = Life... Despite how gay that sounds. I love you STAGEDFIGHT!(T.F.O.C) and I love you JUGGERNUTS.
I'm lame and try to discover good movies through actors that I like, I'm pretty sure a ton of people do that though. Here are just some of the actors that are particularly special to me.. Kate Winslet, Leonardo DiCaprio, Jake and Maggie Gyllenhaal, Heath Ledger*, Nicole Kidman, Philip Seymour Hoffman, John C. Reilly, Thomas Lennon, Kerri Kenney-Silver and friends, Ashley Judd, Kate Hudson, Zooey Deschanel, Johnny Depp, Matt Damon, Ben Affleck, Casey Affleck's tight too. All of the Cusack's are cool. Steve Carell, Jonah Hill, Michael Cera, Paul Rudd, Seth Rogen.. anything that Judd Apatow is a part of. Kevin Smith movies rule. This list will also grow and grow and never stop. Friday is one of my favorites. Empire Records is another. Titanic is beautiful. Disney movies remind me of Disneyland.. which is a definite plus. Broken Lizard movies remind me of Farva. Movies are magic, and any genre of film from any time period is good to me.
Ahhhh here it goes!
I never have read that much because I'm stupid, but I do enjoy to read. I like any Goosbumps, A child called it, My side of the Mountain is the most wonderful book in my life! The Captian Underpants series is a great read. It took me about a year to actually sit down and finish The Great Gasby, but I really enjoyed it. I've started reading The Green Mile and I'm surprised how much the movie has stayed true to the book.. right down to the dialogue! Yes, I watched the movie long before I decided to read the book... I guess that's just the kind of thing that only stupid people like to do.
The only hero I really have is my old pop. I admire the fact that he has worked his whole life and is still doing the thing that he loves most. He was in the Vietnam war. His favorite sport is golf. There are so many more reasons, hes just a good guy.