About Me
About her?!!!... uuyyy hay tantas cosas que podrÃa decir sobre ella... mi mejor prima y mejor aun, mi mejor amiga es una persona increiblemente única. Siempre sabe como alegrar un momento triste con alguno de sus consejos, talvez solo con su sonrisa, o alguna de sus loqueras. ella me enseño que aún exiten personas, en quien se puede confiar. Siempre esta dispuesta a escucharme, aunque no termine nunca... o puede que se quede dormida, haha... no, es broma!!! es una persona simpática, muy amigable y graciosa. Ama el baseball, en especial a Russell Martin. Le gusta ver pelÃculas con palomitas Y CON ANGIE!!! Le gusta tomar fotos, y estadÃsticamente toda su ropa y todo EN su cuarto y su cuarto, es verde. Osea que es su color favorito. Además, ama las estrellas!!!! Ama la música, creo, que nacio escuchandola. Adora el atún y las tapitas de Costa Rica!! En general es una chica extraordinaria, confiable, amable, linda, alegre, honesta y sincera. No es hipocrita, siempre trata de hablar con la verdad y recibiras de ella los mejores consejos y el mejor apoyo. Es muy entregada en sus cosas. Es difÃcil describirla porque son tantas las cualidades, que creo que no terminarÃa pero Evelyn Gutierrez, conocida como My lola boo-boo, booO!!! En resumen no es culquier prima es la mejor prima y amiga que existe en mi vida, ella es UNICA!!! Escrito por: Angie Corrales (Falangie Face)
My name is Evelyn... but to other people I'm either Evie, Green Girl, Lola, or Nina (that ones my favorite). I am Mexirican (which according to me IS a word!) and it means that I'm half Mexican, half Costa Rican. I LOVE *STARS* and the color GREEN with a passion!!! (i guess thats pretty obvious!) I'm what you would call the "funny one of the group". Im incredibly shy at first but once i get comfortable around you, you cant shut me up!!! i LOVE my friends! *C.L.E.C* forever! those girls mean everything to me! the love of my life is this kid named Nicholas Alexander Diaz! he is my nephew, my godson, and the sole ruler of my universe! the other people who have me in the palm of their hand and i would do ANYTHING for are my beautiful niece Sasha, my BEST Friend Isabela, Little Leo, my nephews (Ander, Chris, & "Mateo"), and my twin siblings Brian & Bryana. if they asked me for the world, i'd do anything and everything in my power to give it to them!!! Then theres this lola of a girl named Angie ;) Shes my cousin, my confidant, my own personal shrink, my best friend, my partner in crime, my everything!!!! I don't know how I'd survive without her! Even if she is all the way in Costa Rica, she is a huge part of my life! TQM Boobooboo! Music Is Life!!! i can NOT be without music! if im not listening to it... well technically i still am cuz i hear it in my head... along with those pesky voices! lol. i love songs that mean something! songs with a great beat or amazing lyrics! songs i can relate to or make me think, laugh, cry, or all of the above. The kind of music Butch Walker makes... he is a genious!!! i love to write! its what i do. i still dont think i'm great.. but im working on it! i love stuff that just sounds good! there are certain quotes, poems, & books that i'll read over and over again cuz its SO well written i figure if i read it enough, it'll stick and something that wonderful will eventually come from me! im an extremely nice person... but i wouldnt recommend getting on my bad side! Baseball is the greatest sport ever! Dodgers are the BEST... tell me otherwise and prepare for a fight!!! lol. i grew up loving the Dodgers so i know of nothing else and i dont want to! im a dreamer and a hopeless romantic.... my 2 best AND worst qualities!
My Moto...
I ♥ HIM!!!
Love this song... Love the video a million times more! BEST VIDEO EVER!!!!!
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