Keeping it short in sweet, in line with my belief that words often fail us:I am an artist. This includes painting, sculpting, writing, dance, culinary skills, costume design and music. Most anything done by me is done thoughtfully. I have moved many times in the last three decades, criss crossing the country. Right now I will be going between Augusta Georgia and Pittsburgh Pennsylvania, for work and family. I work at Heinz Field and Mellon Arena as a server to the owners and their VIP guest. The last two summers I have traveled to Europe to study the Old Masters Technique of painting. My hobbies and enjoyment come from family,nature, yoga, music, movies and anything to do with mind and the nature of reality. There isn't anything shallow about this woman. So if you are in to Ken Wilber, Eckhart Tolle, Bill Harris, trans-personal psychology and human evolution feel free to write me.