I am interested in exploring the great outdoors! Be it on a bicycle, motorcycle, 4 wheeler, car, on foot, or any other means of transportation.
Personality Type Quiz
My Result:
Realistic Personality Type
You’ve got a pretty even-keeled head on your shoulders. You’re well-grounded and realistic. You don’t really daydream or think about the future (unless you’re planning ahead, of course). Actually, you tend to find day-dreaming and flightiness pretty annoying and pointless. Sometimes people get you confused for being pessimistic, but you know that you’re just being real.
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I enjoy listening to all types of music.
Steven King movies are my favorite but I also like action type movies also.
I am a Dicovery channel, TLC, and Outdoor channel junkie!
I don't like to read books very much!I like to experience things live, not in make believe!
I would have to say my dad! For he had to put up with me as a teenager! lol! My mother's dad for teaching me the mechanics of things! And all of the fellow veteran's who made it so we have the freedom to do the things we want to do, when we chose to do them!