I host THE FAKE BUDDY SHOW! On Blog Talk Radio.
Click here to see my page:An imaginary friend for grown-ups??? Enter the world of enchantment where you can form a serious bond...with a totally FAKE person!!! This site is totally free and completely fun! SShhhhhh.....we know your secrets!!!
Go see for yourself...www.fakebuddy.com................................
..........................................10% of everything sold on our online store will be donated to the research and treatment of people with Autism.
Please take a look!!!www.fakebuddy.com/store
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All you wonderful Fake Buddy Subscribers!
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Take part: Fund-raiser for Autism! SO EASY!! 10% donated http://fakebuddy.com/store.html
Starting this week, 10% of all profits generated from our online store http://fakebuddy.com/store.html will be donated to an Autistic Organization to help in the treatment and awaren... Posted by on Sun, 24 Feb 2008 08:01:00 GMT