stadtgruen is a germany based netlabel focussing on both techno and ambient.
the name is a german expression for "urban park", literally translating to "city green", representing the coherence between nature and culture in the dense space of our city surrounding.
it is vital for us that our releases aren't just accumulations of good tracks, but thoughtful reflections on nature, work and art, accompanied by explanative texts.
following the dialectical approach, our catalogue is split into stadt (city) releases concentrating on techno, and gruen (green) releases spanning ambient and experimental electronica.
for detailed information on our philosophy and free mp3 downloads of our releases, visit our website:
The lazy guy's quick guide to our releases. Quite a few now, to be steadily updated.[gruen001] Lomov - Free Port[gruen002] Martin Donath - Dimanche[gruen003] Georg Neufeld - Lakeside[gruen004] Acidrai... Posted by on Thu, 26 Apr 2007 02:51:00 GMT