A few of my favorite things: smiling, fishing, songs on the radio just have to crank up loud, music, vehicles, sun rises and sun sets, mountains, loud exhausts, hunting, t-shirt and jeans days, getting dressed up to go out and feel cute (but only occasionally), a phone call or note just to say hello, getting to know someone, riding horses, gravel roads, pictures, trumpet, the smell of Copenhagen, mud puddling, straw hats, ball caps, firemen, the feeling and smell of rain, thunderstorms, snow angels, hugs and kisses, that clean feeling when getting out of the shower, caring about someone so much it hurts
Pretty much anyone ~
My parents and the twins . . . they are all very special in their own different ways. My mom is one of my best friends and I can tell her absolutely anything that I feel the need. I'm a daddy's girl and I admire my dad's knowlege about music and cars and pretty much everything about him. I hope to find a guy that works as hard as he does. My brother is very easy to talk to and his physical and emotional strength just amazes me. And last but certainly not least . . . my sister is one of a kind and I could never find another friend like her. Although there might have been slight fights in our later girly years, she is very special to me and I wish that I could have the procrastination skills she possess and still do the job that she can at everything she does. She's amazing!