LoserWithStyle profile picture


I am here for Serious Relationships, Friends and Networking

About Me

Well my name is Rhiannon..im 18 and i live now with my father...but dont know if i like calling him that....long story...going back to when i was young.I adore the rain and stormy days...it makes me happy. just like music...no matter the mood i am in....it can always make me feel better.I hate backstabbing, superficial, childish, slutty and just plain annoying ppl who dont know how to function in our society.My friends mean the absolute world to me...they have kept me holding on when everything around me was falling to pieces. especially the ones that have stuck around this year.I may drink a fair amount on the weekends but it dose not mean that im an alco...i make bad decisions but hey....no one is perfect...it isnt natural. i just like to have fun with awesome ppl.i listen to the music i like, dress the way i like, act the way i like and talk the way i like...and franckley im not changing that...im not like anyone else...im just me. get over the lables.anyway its a lil bout me...like it or hate it....it is entierly up to you.

Myspace Layouts at Pimp-My-Profile.com / Crying angel - Image Hosting

My Interests

I love listening to music and writing my own songs, drawing pics of almost anything(they usually turn out sad and disturbing), writing stories(also end up sad and disturbing), drinking, hanging with my friends and watching movies, going really fast..lol i love to go fast.
Create your own Friend Test here

I'd like to meet:

What type of partier are you? Your Result: The rock-star party animal

You like to get trashed, mostly on domestic beer and mix them with shots of Jaeger till you end up screaming lyrics at the top of your lungs while playing air-guitar to the music. You like the cheap and seedy bars because you can really let loose and get hammered without worry. You get in trouble for the occasional 'spitting/spraying beer in the air from your mouth', aka, the 'beer sprinkler'. You are viewed as energetic and crazy, and can be either the life of the party or the one who gets a group of friends banned from a bar.

Hardcore drunk
The Lurker
Bar Social Butterfly
The Socialite
Bar Slut
The designated driver
What type of partier are you?
Make Your Own QuizA lot of ppl everyone on myspace. but if I had to choose a celebraty it would have to be Ami Lee from Evanescence.she totally rocks.
R is for Responsible

H is for Hyper

I is for Influential

A is for Adventurous

N is for Nerdy

N is for Nutty

O is for Openhearted

N is for Nervy
What Does Your Name Mean?
Get your own MySpace Countdown now!


What can I say well I like Evanescence, My Chemical Romance, AFI, Metallica, System of a Down, Placebo, Disturbed, Hatebreed, Linkin Park, Killing Heidi, Three Doors Down, 30 seconds to Mars, Living End, Chaqma, Bleeding Through, Endrone, With Dying Words, Nazarite Vow, Apparatus, Comorant, Calm Chaos, The Fugue State, Spayroll, New Shade, Molly Gunner, Illbleed, Beggars Ball, Beyond Divinity, Billy Tallent, Bullet for my valentine, Funeral for a friend, 12 straight months of winter, Three days grace, Hot lies, Queens of the stone age, Yellowcard, A thousand nightmares, cradle of filth, i killed the prom queen, fistikuffs, creed, nivana, nine inch nails, tool, the fray, in fiction, slayer, abeyant, greenday, her firt kiss, Papa roach, the used, cake, cldplay, Red hot chili peppers, foo fighters, nickelback, Garbage, good charlotte, fall out boy, guns n' roses, muse, offsprig, white stripes, werid al, korn, rancid, tenacious d, i killed the prom queen, rebel outcry, deadsun, paramore, cryptic fall, killing machine, oppressive omend, the bright star alliance, stereo riot, beggars ball, all american regects, etc


My favourite film would have to be Disturbia. that was awsome. it freaked me out near the end though.i take that back. my fav movie is 300 it was one of the most awsome movies that ive seen. i wanna see it again and again and again. it is aawsome everyone should see it.
Glitter Graphics - GlitterLive.com


My fav TV show would be Supernatural.Dont really care anymore.
You scored as Goth, Your A Goth!



Rocker, Mosher




Chav, Townie, Rude Boy, Ned, Kev







What Group Are You? What Group Are You? Chav, Rocker, Skater, Emo, Goth, Trendy, Prepy Ect
created with QuizFarm.com


What type of person do you attract? Your Result: You attract unstable people!

Congrats, you are an 'insane' magnet, and you probably have no idea why. Something about your mix of styles, how you walk not just 'one' lifestyle, but appear to have a foot in them all. To the insane, you appear to be a beacon of hope and they will flock to you, like it or not. But, they ARE insane. Lucky for you, the insane tend to be the best sexual lovers, just the rest of the package deal may not be for you.

You attract artsy people!
You attract rednecks!
You attract models!
You attract Yuppies!
You attract geeks!
What type of person do you attract?
Quizzes for MySpaceDont read much books but the last one I did was fairly good it was Blood Work by Michale Conelly or something like that.
MySpace Icons


My Hero would have to be. I dont know I dont really have a hero as such but I guess musicians would have to be my heroes. Ami Lee in particular.Definatley cant forget all my friends who are great and support me and listen to me when i need them to. YOU GUYS ROCK. Kate, Minnie, Nick B, Shell, Bec, Andrea, Beth, Tez, Courtz, Brad, Ben, Daniel, Jarrad, Baz, Alex, Cameron, Naz, Brett, Charley, Hannah, Ben A,Jana, Kerry, Alla, Paula, Kate A, ....n many many more....i luv u guys....n i wanna say thank you for everything. ^_^
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My Blog


so if you read my blogs you wld know that my life has not been the best at times but whose is really....im working stuff out...but plz if you are going to judge and scrutinise my every move and deciso...
Posted by LoserWithStyle on Sun, 20 Apr 2008 02:21:00 PST

Blah blah blah

Ok so im really bored. N i hav alot of things on my mind including the fact that lately i hav a nac at pissing ppl off with out even trying. Its like totally awesome...not...its me making bad decision...
Posted by LoserWithStyle on Thu, 27 Mar 2008 09:08:00 PST

Blah blah blah

Ok so im really bored. N i hav alot of things on my mind including the fact that lately i hav a nac at pissing ppl off with out even trying. Its like totally awesome...not...its me making bad decision...
Posted by LoserWithStyle on Thu, 27 Mar 2008 09:08:00 PST


Hey i havn said much in a verry long time....dats partly coz i havn been near the comp in a really long time n dat i think dat my life has been fair boring and i wld be right in saying so. im now 18 w...
Posted by LoserWithStyle on Mon, 21 Jan 2008 06:54:00 PST

*pokes out tounge*

So its been far long since ive last posted one of these......well dats coz im not too often alowed on the computer or in the back room eniterly....stupid parentals.....n it wasn even my fault. anyway ...
Posted by LoserWithStyle on Sun, 16 Dec 2007 04:17:00 PST

Booooooo Yeahhhhhhh

Ive recently had my formal......fair good...part from the group pics that had to be taken....it was a nightmare.... We had to stand on the staircase of the grand.....5 ppl on every step....n  i m...
Posted by LoserWithStyle on Thu, 29 Nov 2007 04:33:00 PST

Fuck this

Sont yoiu just hate it wen u have something planned for a day n it all gets fucked up because of one person....... well today n most days that one person is my mother...she was suppose to take me shop...
Posted by LoserWithStyle on Sat, 17 Nov 2007 04:45:00 PST

Fuck my life

Yeah ok so im not n the best mood at the moment but hey who can blame me....i mean wat the fuck is up with my life...y cant i just hav one of those so called normal kinds of lives were ur parents dont...
Posted by LoserWithStyle on Thu, 11 Oct 2007 03:41:00 PST


Ok so why is it that no matter what you do, you cant seem to pleaze soom ppl. i dont understand why they cant accept you for who you are...and are always trying to change you in different ways...like ...
Posted by LoserWithStyle on Sat, 29 Sep 2007 09:55:00 PST


Your Kisses Are Spicy and Wild..http://images.blogthings.com/howhotareyourkissesquiz/k iss-3.jpg" height="100" width="100">Your kisses are powerful stuff. They'll start a fire in almost anyone you kiss...
Posted by LoserWithStyle on Mon, 24 Sep 2007 11:08:00 PST