About Me
Hi fellas, I'm Max, I'm white dude from Russia (I hate it, bcz it's not even fun, lol :..)
Note to jewish guys: yes, i like to wear sandels with sox, and fuck u, if u don't like it. :P I'm that kind of person, which if you try to make or to order to do something, i will do just the opposite.
I like to socialize, i like all fellas, that i've met (almost), i like good people. My main hobby is languages, cz i love them, and when you know many languages, you can talk to more chicks (yay :D) My favorite style is black+red+dark yello, and i like tank tops and hoods :)
My favorite sport is acrobatic, free running and parcour, but i hate, that it's getting pop, and peeps are loosing the understending of parcour philosophy, thats freakin sad...
So, thats few words about me ))If u want more, (or if u want me), than let's talk ;)
My Blog
Its hard not to be confused between coeval girl and 23 years old girl
Well, today i was confused. Really! I didn't think, it can be happen, but i almost get accuainted with 23-26 years old married girls. Daym it, i was sure they are 16 or 17, or something!
Posted by on Sat, 01 Sep 2007 10:18:00 GMT
Lighting and storm!!!!!!!!!!!!
Cooooooooool!!!!! it's evening, it's so dark, and rain is cats and dogs!!!!!!!! DAMN!! I want to scream, i want to go out< i want to dance, i want to sing! I haven't seen such rain too long! Cool! i'm...
Posted by on Fri, 13 Jul 2007 08:36:00 GMT
The Fall of MaxP
Hi there again. Today i had my parcur trainings, i've called to my friend and offered him to join to me. -Oke?-Oke! I was late, cz i tried to find memory card to my cam, cz i like to cam our suc...
Posted by on Sun, 29 Apr 2007 02:10:00 GMT
Hi Fellas!
Hi fellas! I'm here to find a new friends! Of course, most of you here because of it too, so let's help together! Why do i want new friends? U know, i like socializing, and i tired to socialize only w...
Posted by on Sat, 21 Apr 2007 00:16:00 GMT