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I am here for Friends and Networking

About Me

..This profile was edited with MySpace Profile Editor MySpace Profile EditorSo, check it out.. I teach Ninjutsu. To Shin Do and Ninjutsu to be more specific. I do this through separate classes but both are taught through Ultimate Gym. You can find out more about that freakin' awesome training hall here: One class is for adults and the other is for children ages 4-13 which I train with a more "lifelong training" approach.My roomie for seven years is Brian Easton. He is my training partner, assistant instructor, business partner, as well as one of my best friends that I have known since I moved here in '95. He is also in a band called Thir13teen which is currently looking to record and gig locally here in charlotte. They are on my friends list here so check em out.Kaden Suon is our other roomie. He is my brother in law and is also a student and in a band. Their name is The Grip and they are currently giggin' in Charlotte area most commonly at the Graduate and occaisionally other venues. Also on the friends list so check em out!More on my other roomie later... in my "heroes" section..

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

Folks I already took care of: Billy Graham, Stephen K Hayes, Ice T, Some Guy in Venice that Blows Glass for a Living, Jesus, God the Father, Holy Spirit, The Devil, Five Bolt Main, Pan Qing Fu, Sifu Li Chi Keung (Steve), Steve Davis, William "Dale" Miller, Mimi Chan, Chan Pui, Henry Look. Folks I still need to meet: The New Pope, George Bush (Both), Gordon Sumner (Sting), Jet Li, Jackie Chan, Soke Hatsumi, Kelly Hu, Dan Inosanto, Stan Lee, Kevin Smith, Peter Jackson, Tom Hanks, Sean Connery, Wesley Snipes, Snoop Dogg, Dr. Dre, and maybe a hundred or so more...
I got my background from

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Silky Jones Vintage
Add to My Profile | More Videos I'm not going to list everyone I really get down on here.. That would be so stupidly long of a list I wouldn't want to wish anyone to waste that much of their life reading it. I DO however like several folks that also mean a lot to me in some way in my personal life from right here in NC. Those folks are (in no particular order): Kaden Suon: Bass Guitarist and Ka-boominator(The Grip), Brian Easton: Orc Warlock Drummer(Thir13teen), Preston Mills: Bass Guitarist Who Crushes Heads(Thir13teen), Rick Ammons: Guitarist that Bleeds Sheetrock and Metal(Thir13teen), Nick Firth: Lead Guitarist (No current affliation; Genuine War Hero complete with Purple Heart; Thank you, Nick), Kenny McCain: Vocalist and Guitarist DO THE WALKEN THING OR THE CEREAL SONG DUDE!! (Thir13teen), Art Taylor: Shredder and Usurper (Wehrwolfe), Silky Jones: MC Extraordinaire and Veteran to the QC, Shanti Love: MC Extralivecrispy and Beat Wizard, Fatt Daddy: Beat Twister and Melodic Extasy Hold The Cheese, Shamus: "Somebody's Listenin' Out There and It Was This Guy - Why else would the rhthyms sound like I" and Spacecraft Pilot, SIFU Vang: People's Choice of Voice and Rippa of Freestyle Lyrical Headlines on Your Ass... You payin' attention?This list will constantly grow but only for those that I see puttin forth the effort to kill it constantly. That's right. If you ain't ever been on the list, I just forgot you.. send me a reminder.. If you get taken off the list.. best know it looks from the outside like you're slippin'... don't fall off the map... Let me know where you are and how it is goin' with your music if you think I should care.


I have convinced myself through the years that I will watch and enjoy damn near anything. Favorites though.. Hmmm.. Big Trouble In Little China Star Wars (Originals more so than the new ones but I still like em) The Transformers Movie Tombstone The Lord of the Rings Trilogy Batman Begins Shogun Braveheart V for Vendetta Army of Darkness Freddy vs. Jason Friday the 13th VIII Nightmare on Elm Street II and Freddy's Dead: The Final Nightmare Iron and Silk Fearless Hero Fist of Legend Return of the Dragon Snake and Crane Arts of Shaolin Master Killer (36 Chambers of Death) The One The Matrix Trilogy Peter Jackson's King Kong Blade X3: The Last Stand Remo Williams Conan Trilogy Santa Claus is a personal friend of mine. I get the hookup. Beth and Tyler cheesin' Dead kids... gotta love em... Colin and two mortars.. I don't really think I should say any more than that.. Whatchoo know bout tha Eastside Crackers homey? Like Husband like Wife.. Sometimes he is possessed by demons.. Nothing we can do about that.. The lightning keeps him in check tho.. The Hef Nuff Said.. China with the "Get out of my room" face Deer in Headlights (carolyn liked this one so I was forced to put it up.. I know I look like a goofy bastard.. leave me alone) Eastside Crackers - The happiest gang alive Sometimes Kaden's amp bursts into flames... we're gonna mount a fire extinguisher to his Bass tho.. so he'll be fine... Now we know where Trent gets it.. Hambone #1 and Hambone #2 Mo' jammin' Sleeping Beauty *kiss* Gid and Crystal maxin and relaxin Kaden in chill mode.. whatchoo gonna do?! The girls from Carolyn's work at the Christmas Party.


24, Battlestar Galactica, Ghost Hunters (Hello to TAPS and LEMUR!!!), UFC Stuff, Survivorman, Decoding the Past, MythBusters, Heroes




So, I gotta lotta heroes really. I am a big fan o' man, I guess you could say. Simply put, as far as heroes go, I respect anyone's attempt throughout history to squeeze every ounce of life outta what they've been given to work with possible. I know that from time to time we all need a break from pushing ourselves to that next level, but overall you gotta realize that those that change the face of this world we live in are those that can regularly choose life. Apathy is such an ugly thing to me. Care about something, then decide to do something with it, for it or about it. More specifically, that other roomate also known as my wife Carolyn is one of my heroes. I'm not going to get all cliche and say that she's always been there for me cause neither one of us could safely say that. What Carolyn HAS done for me and I hope that I do for her the majority of the time is care about my goals and dreams. We WANT to see each other achieve whatever we set our minds to because that's the world we ALL should live in. My wife is the yin to my yang in the realest of senses and fills in whatever I don't have in my life. She also drives me batshit crazy, but hey.. we all need to be kept on our toes right? Else ya get slow, boy.. and the street don't love slow.. My parents are of course the other heroes of mine that I feel need some special mentioning. My upbringing has lent to a wide variety of life experiences that I am eternally thankful for. I wouldn't have the understanding of humanity that I have without my parents shoving me into new experiences repeatedly. Also, being adopted I feel more or less rescued from uncertainty by my parents. Fate indeed must have had a hand in how the wheel turned in my life. My parents were instrumental in reassuring me of that throughout my life; however, it was in the context of showing me that people overall have every opportunity to achieve a personal greatness to whatever level they choose. Most folks just don't hear it enough from those closest to them that they can do it. FOR MY FOLKS ON THANKSGIVING: .. width="425" height="350" .... Self-doubt can wreck an individual, and who knows what the world may miss out on if you never step forward from the shadow of that self-doubt and test the waters of the life around you.

My Blog

Breaking the Mold

Charlotte Warrior Heart Association And the Ninjutsu Community By Jon Kingsley "Forget your sadness, anger, grudges and hatred. Let them pass like smoke caught in a breeze. You should not deviate fro...
Posted by Jon on Tue, 26 Jun 2007 04:05:00 PST

Ninjutsu Round Table Discussion .5

Ninjutsu History and Philosophy Round Table:  #5   If you were part of last month's discussion, then list the quality you are going to focus on for the next three months.  Why did you c...
Posted by Jon on Sat, 11 Nov 2006 12:38:00 PST

Ninjutsu Round Table Discussion .4

Ninjutsu History and Philosophy Round Table:  #4   Up to this point we've discussed different viewpoints regarding Good/Evil Interpretations, Peace/War Possibilities, and Making Changes in t...
Posted by Jon on Sat, 11 Nov 2006 12:36:00 PST

Ninjutsu Round Table Discussion .3

Ninjutsu History and Philosophy Round Table:  #3 Up to this point we've discussed the issue that morality is determined by an individual's environment and that in order to effect a change in...
Posted by Jon on Sat, 11 Nov 2006 12:35:00 PST

Ninjutsu Round Table Discussion .2

Ninjutsu History and Philosophy Round Table:  #2 Last month's discussion brought folks to a realization or recognition at least that people's beliefs regarding concepts of Good and Evil are ...
Posted by Jon on Sat, 11 Nov 2006 12:33:00 PST

Ninjutsu Round Table Discussion .1

Ninjutsu History and Philosophy Round Table:  #1 Topic:  Throughout all humanity are there ethical and moral guidelines that are inherent to us or is it all learned behavior? Case ...
Posted by Jon on Sat, 11 Nov 2006 12:23:00 PST


So, look...If you KNOW me, then you'll prolly either read this whole thing to see what CRAZY SHITE I'm about to spit or just stop 'cause you've already read your fair share of my rants and raves in th...
Posted by Jon on Fri, 22 Sep 2006 02:30:00 PST

My Gym Martial Arts Program Parent's Letter

Posted by Jon on Thu, 22 Jun 2006 04:53:00 PST


2006 New Schedule   The new schedule has been set up to allow multiple training times as well as payment plans for a student to accommodate our loyal student base.  We hope these changes wil...
Posted by Jon on Fri, 16 Jun 2006 01:54:00 PST

Ninjutsu's Go Dai

Ninjutsus Five Elements:  The Go Dai By Jon Kingsley Charlotte Warrior Heart Association ©   Although the Five Elements or Go Dai has become one of the things that identifies Ninjutsu to the...
Posted by Jon on Tue, 13 Jun 2006 11:03:00 PST