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jazzed on java

I am here for Friends and Networking

About Me

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I crack myself up on a daily basis..I will randomly laugh at something that happened days ago. I am also well known for my infamous mind boggling stupid quotes such as "big screws leave big holes"
glitter-graphics.comI may look like a simple girl..but never judge a book by it's cover. there is your warning..so don't say i didn't give you one!.......Oh yeah, im a smartass to boot! just because im smiling doesn't mean you are necessarily safe..i could be plotting ;)

Myspace Layouts at Pimp-My-Profile.com / Blue starburst

My Interests

Ron scores goals.. Ron Hextall Career Highlights Video

..this video includes terje haackonsen's first descent down 7601..

I'd like to meet:

Lou Dobbs, The Dalai Lama, My future husband

Easter at PhotoCasket
Touch the Darkness


sevendust, chevelle, tool, trust company, DJ Mea, pantera, the police, breaking benjamin, sublime, the fray, trapt, cold,...pretty much anything with a good beat and good vocals


the wizard of oz, gone with the wind, forrest gump, the war of the roses, full metal jacket, harry potter, boondock saints, serendipity, practical magic, 50 first dates, ghostbusters, fight club, a christmas story, van helsing, underworld, pirates of the caribbean, snatch, all the charlie brown specials


gray's anatomy, lou dobbs, men in trees, csi (vegas), lipstick jungle, history & travel channel


dean koontz..love dean koontz


glitter-graphics.comAny woman that mother's her child with her heart and soul...and Lou Dobbs!

My Blog

If you get easily ticked off..dont read this..

What the hell is going on in the Supreme Court?!!.... WASHINGTON (Reuters)--The Supreme Court ruled Wednesday that a convicted killer deserves a new trial because jurors heard testimony that should ha...
Posted by jazzed on java on Thu, 26 Jun 2008 08:27:00 PST

Over Kill

Once upon a time I used to enjoy watching the news; CNN, MSNBC, GMA etc. However, thanks to the over exposed presidential race I've had to resort to getting my news fix from the internet and it's just...
Posted by jazzed on java on Tue, 19 Feb 2008 04:52:00 PST

gotta love The Count

Posted by jazzed on java on Fri, 18 May 2007 07:27:00 PST