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About Me

Growing in Grace. It is so hard to grow in this area both in accepting others and accepting myself for who I am created to be. I tend to be really hard on myself, but learning this concept of grace allowed me to accept, embrace and celebrate the beauty of how God created me and how He created others.What is grace? It seems like this question is hard to answer, since our society doesn't know how to practice it. They say that grace is a free gift. However, whenever we see the word FREE--we know there is something attached to it. So in reality nothing really is free. So how in the world can I receive grace?Well, the price has been paid. Someone had to pay for this gift and all I am required to do is...receive it. As easy as that. SO, I am a girl--or I guess my age tells me that I am a woman who is learning to grow in grace. To daily redirect my thoughts in knowing that I am loved, accepted and embraced by the Living God of my Lord Jesus Christ, not by what I do, but just because God loves me and I am willing to receive His Love.This reality has changed my life completely. God is not just this idea, but He is a personal, real God who is very interactive in my life. He speaks and I hear His voice. He touches and I sense His love. He moves in power and I am blown away.This is my life. This is the reason I am able to breathe and live life daily--because of grace.