I am unique, funny, dependable, reliable, unreliable, sane, and insane. My twisted sense of humor, and overactive imagination make people "wonder" if something is wrong with me. Usually they conclude that nothing is amiss.I do not have enough time on my hands, yet I spend too much time online. I love to stay up late, therefore I am sleep-deprived, and I am an asshole to wake up. Sometimes I snore really loud and irritate my family.I love to be serious and silly at the same time. I think that trying to be someone who you are not just to fit in is ludicrous. I am afraid of no one. I challenge myself to face my fears because I believe it makes me stronger.I love science and I am a secular humanist.My carbon footprint is much bigger than it has a right to be, however I am working on improving it. I need to quit smoking but I have not because I know that quitting is going to be a bitch. I need to lose weight but I love to eat.I am very intelligent but I am also an airhead- drrrr... I love math and I love to write. I love to read about strange characters, and fancy myself as strange as well. Sometimes I feel that I try too hard NOT to fit in.Occasionally my heros are anti-heros. Real heros do not wear tights, although dressing like that in public is brave.I talk to much and I should listen better. I am aware of my flaws even though I try to shove them deep into my subconscious. I am also aware of my strengths and I kick ass at all of them. I swear too much but not in front of old people.
My Interests
I'd like to meet:
Bill Murray kicks ass! He is the best actor EVER!
My Blog
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As she smoked the last cigarette of her lifetime Olivia knew that there was only one solution to her dilemma. Her head was clear and calm for th... Posted by on Fri, 25 May 2007 01:53:00 GMT