Jimmy F profile picture

Jimmy F

About Me

Turn The Tide is a newly introduced band who's main goal is to glorify Jesus Christ in all that we do. We all have our God-given talents that we use to try to win people over to the Lord. Our style is mainly acoustic rock. If you like our music, you can hear more songs on pure volume at www.purevolume.com/turnthetidecc. If you have any questions about Jesus, or are questioning your faith, you can contact us at TurnTheTideNow@Gmail.com and we will definetly get back to you. So for now, enjoy our music and rejoice in the Lord. Newsboys - I Cannot Get You Out Of My System
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My Interests


Member Since: 6/8/2005
Band Members: Vocals and Guitar/Bass - Nate Barton Lead Guitar/Bass - Jimmy Fabrizio Drums - Jack Bonnaville Vocals and Guitar - Paul Maxwell
Influences: The Face Of Love E-CARD
Sounds Like: We all kind of threw our original styles in, but if it were to be compared to a few spefiic artists, it would have to be Kutless, Jeremy Camp and Goo Goo Dolls.
Record Label: None
Type of Label: None

My Blog

New Demo

So, we recorded a new demo at Red Sneaker Productions. We had a great time, and the staff's musical genius helped us out with a lot of mixing, and surprisingly great insight in topics of song structur...
Posted by Jimmy F on Tue, 06 Jun 2006 11:20:00 PST