Doubie...♥imma proud liberian baby
also an 80's baby, 88 to be exact
i ♥ anything pink
i dance and step away the day
i'm not a rockstar,skateboarder, marilyn monroe or whateva else these other chicks r...i wear what i like
shopping is my
im gonna be a nurse someday
ive got three sisters that i love
some may think im "mean" but my real friends know da real me
stupid people annoy me
i can be real moody
imma brand new college student
alumni of the Lady Xclusive step team
my friends and family are my world
i wont change who i am 4 anyone
p.s.- Barbie wants to be me......
Shoutouts to all my main babes: Pammie, Naomi, Shayla, Suzie, Cyrene, Victoria, Dee and Yvonne...i luv yall with all my ♥ neva 4get that!!! *muahz*
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