mikenna profile picture


I'm an addict for dramatics, i confuse the two for love

About Me

Well theres not much to say about myself. I love to party, I am fairly bitchy on occasion (I hear), I am like one of those people that dont sleep for 2 days and get really annoying...but Im like that all the time. I like instigating fights...but I guess I am not good at it since I have never actually seen one. (update: I dont like fights. Ive now almost seen a couple and after being involved i get really skeezed out if my friends are about to fight, and usually recruit other girls im with to throw down if our boys are in over their heads) I like punching people in the face, but only with their permission. Actually the other day I punched some guy on accident and then let him punch me back so I guess you can say I'm a fair person. I like having fun but no one seems to want to do that anymore...all my friends are growing up *tear, tear*(update: my friends that have grown up pretty much moved away, maybe we were just having a dry spell but everything is back on track as far as partying goes. Rock on friends, i love you all). I love to karate chop my toilet paper when im drunk...i dont really know why i do this, but it is pretty amusing at the time. I have been dubbed the "mom" of the group but i dont know if thats good or bad. I am always the one everyone calls when they get in trouble or need something fixed...but its also nice cause i get to do fun things that i miss doing as a kid and everyone gets stoked about it. Well I guess that sums me up...I am a party going bitch that likes to punch people in the face and karate chop toilet paper. Wow I bet I'll get alot of friends on here;)
I edited my profile with Thomas’ Myspace Editor V3.6 !
Made with the MyTheme myspace layouts

My Interests

Well I like drinking, having fun, going bar hopping, and doing random acts of stupidity. My all time favorite thing to do is watch people skateboard. I guess its because its something I wish I could do but cant, or maybe I just love skaters or maybe its a little bit of both. I've tried it before but everytime I do I end up getting hurt. I guess thats why IM A PUSSY and gave up. I love going to parties, even if the only thing going on is spatchula fight club. I just like being around people.

I'd like to meet:

well i guess i would like to meet someone who shares common intrests with me, obviously. I like people who are involved in music or have a strong passion about it. I would like to meet someone who also likes to drink...I think I am a borderline alcoholic which actually scares me sometimes. I have no control over anything when I am drinking which sometimes gets me in alot of trouble...but I would like to meet people who like to drink as much as me but do not have crazy tempers when they are drunk. I am a huge smart ass and I love to joke around alot, so I dont want to have to worry about people taking jokes the wrong way and getting all aggro on me cause they've had too much to drink. I like being around passive people because i do not like confruntation. I would someday like to see a fight but I would prefer that the fight doesnt envolve someone I know (UPDATE) I definately dont like seeing fights that involve people i know...i dont even know if i want to see someone fight that i dont know. I dont like people who base their lives around smoking weed so if you use the phrase "wake and bake" or if you smoke at least 1ce a day...We most likely wont get along...or if we do be prepared to be fucked with for being a pothead anytime you mention the word blunt or anything else pertaining to that matter. I love people that have good tatoos...I however do not like really bad tatoos, i guess you can just say it is a pet peeve of mine. I would prefer to meet someone that has a car and a job (or at least can afford to buy their own ciggs and beer). I am a really big flirt and I like to have long conversations that dont have any ackward pauses in them. Sometimes I just need to relax and just sit around doing nothing and I would like something to talk about on those days. I dont really like sex but I dont really mind it when its with someone i care about. In the past that has been a big issue so I dont really need to deal with that again. I also need to find someone that will appreciate when i do try to do nice things. I also want to go skydiving at least once in my life so I guess I would like someone to share that adventure with....well i guess thats all. I didnt think I had this many qualifications for people I would like to meet but oh well i guess thats why I dont have anyone right now :( OH and I dont like thugs or anything about them. I do however like to make fun of them...thats about it...More People like THis


I like all kinds of music. Right now I'm into alot of shit, matchbook romance, the used, my chemical romance, transplants, rancid, lars, (basically I like any combo band they put together), the distillers, the ataries, emiliana torrini,mxpx, millencolin, horror pops, afi, the killers, fall out boy, one true thing, social distortion, the vandals, I just started getting into tiger army and the postal service. I like alot of 80's, there's just something about them that make me happy la la la lala and I always have to show my love for fassw and rounding third. You guys are awesome.

My Blog

The day I moved to cali "in the words of rocky"

I'm writing this story as we are driving from Warren, Ohio to California. After a Saturday night full of drinking, playing a game called "up the river, down the river" and a few games of peer bong and...
Posted by mikenna on Mon, 04 Feb 2008 10:17:00 PST

here's some of my photography

heres a link to my photobucket account...there are a few of my photos from my photography class, check them out and tell me what you think!!http://photobucket.com/albums/b196/isedpissoff/...
Posted by mikenna on Thu, 17 Nov 2005 07:24:00 PST

Unsolved mysteries

Yeah so i feel pretty shitty today,  I can't even sleep, even though i have only got about 6 hours of sleep in the past 2 days.  I feel all depressed and I cant get rid of it...and...
Posted by mikenna on Sat, 20 Aug 2005 10:31:00 PST

i stole this, but its pathetic anyways, im just bored

TELL ME ABOUT YOURSELF - The SurveyName:mikennaBirthday:12-17-81Birthplace:warrenCurrent Location:warren (god thats pathetic lol)Eye Color:hazelHair Color:reddish for right nowHeight:5'6''Right Handed...
Posted by mikenna on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST


OMG if i could get anymore pissed off at this day i think i would self combust. I think it is said best from jim carey "random thoughts for vfalentines day...THe day is a holiday invented by greeting...
Posted by mikenna on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST

another shitty year in the life of ME

i feel really shitty today...I cant help but wonder what the fuck is going on in my life right now. I thought that new years would somehow make everything alright with me but it has done nothing like ...
Posted by mikenna on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST


i feel like shit today...and there is just nothing i can do. I quit drinking the other day, which was a joke. But it kinda makes me feel shitty about myself. I quit for 3 reasons, 1. I slapped my frie...
Posted by mikenna on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST

sweetest day

I hate sweetest day...why is it that every time sweetest day comes around i have no one, and for that matter why does everyone else get to have someone. I just hate hearing everyones plans..."OH me an...
Posted by mikenna on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST