For my darling Love:
June 20, 2006
I love N and how I can say anything and he understands it. I love how I can skip an entire phrase in a sentence and he responds in a way that would only mean that he knew what I was trying* to say. I love how he laughs when I studdddder but I know it's only because he knows he does it, too. I love how I look at him and he only smiles because there aren't words for that moment. I love how he intentionally tickles my back when we're kissing. I love the way he sees through me. I love how time stops. How it stops when we're together... how it feels like we're the only people on Earth, no matter how crowded the empty world around us is.
Le Pirate Captain Loo
There's nothing in this world that scares me more than my own diseases and ignorance.
A bit aboot meh:
*From the South.
*Two baby brothers, Sean (nearly 22) and Taylor (11).
*Married to the most WONDERFUL man in the 'verse.
*I am the proud momma of: Delilah, Mr. Grey, Ori (the kitties), Kiona (Pastel Motley Corn snake) and Flo (Okatee Corn Snake), Lucy (the puppy),Onawa, Kishi, Ruthie, Reba, Flower, Veni, Moeglee, Shia, and Dabney (the ratlets).
I believe:
*in God.
*that the colour orange is best.
*the sanctatity of marriage is between man and woman.
*liver and onions is delicious.
*raising children is a blessing (that I've not gotten yet).
*education... education.
*everyone's views and opinions are their own and shall not be tainted by others.
*that you should definately go to the liver life walk website and sponsor our walk for '09.
I love you
Sweet Husband