<<PAT>> profile picture


fire @ will

About Me

hey im pat, i go 2 ndhs in clarksburg, wv. i play football n baseball. i like sports n music n playin guitar n drums n hangin wit friends. im pretty laid back if someone gets into an argument r sumthing i jus watch n laugh cuz they look like idiots. i am obsessed wit wvu. i watch every game even tho i cant aford 2 go 2 ne of them cuz im poor.i do crazy shit all the time, 2 much 2 list. i dnt even care if i get n trouble wit teachers, parents, random ppl, i dnt care. wats the worst they could do? kick me out of the school i hate r maybe my parents would ground me. whoop dee fuckin do. oh yea, i hate annoying stuff.

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Really Long Survey (over 200)
What is your name?: Pat
Are you named after anyone?: yes
What's your screename?: [email protected]
Would you name a child of yours after you?: sure
If you were born a member of the opposite sex what would your name be?: idk
If you could switch names with a friend who would it be?: mines fine
Are there any mispronounciations/typos that ppl do w/ your name constantly?: only my last name
Would you drop your last name if you became famous?: nope
Your gender:: male
Straight/Gay/Bi:: straight
Single?: yea
If not, do you want to be?: i said im single
Birthdate:: may 27
Your age:: 14
Age you act:: 14
Age you wish you were:: 14
Your height:: 5'9
Eye color:: blue/green
Happy with it?: sure
Hair color:: brown
Happy with it?: sure
Lefty/righty/ambidextrous:: ambi......what?
Your living arrangement:: house
Your family:: mom, dad, lil brother, lil sister, grandma(n the attic)
Have any pets?: gerbil thing
Whats your job?: to completely mess everything up
Piercings?: no
Tattoos?: no
Obsessions?: sports
Addictions?: full throttle
Do you speak another language?: nope
Have a favorite quote?: i want 2 leave this world the same way i entered it- butt naked and screamin(sabatian swiger)
Do you have a webpage?: myspace
Deep Thoughts About Life and You in it
Do you live in the moment?: sure
Do you consider yourself tolerant of others?: unless thyr annoying
Do you have any secrets?: yea
Do you hate yourself?: nope
Do you like your handwriting?: sure
Do you have any bad habits?: yea
What is the compliment you get from most people?: u hav nice eyes n u look like a teddy bear(i hate that)
If a movie was made about your life, what would it be called?: Patrick-The Movie
What's your biggest fear?: idk
Can you sing?: badly
Do you ever pretend to be someone else just to look cool?: nope
Are you a loner?: a wat?
What are your #1 priorities in life?: sports, girls, friends, grades, me (n no order)
If you were another person, would you be friends with you?: sure i guess
Are you a daredevil?: i wouldnt do ne thing that would b extremely retarded but ive done sum pretty retarded shit n my time
Is there anything you fear or hate about yourself?: nope
Are you passive or agressive?: both
Do you have a journal?: nope
What is your greatest strength and weakness?: strength-smart, weakness-get bored ez
If you could change one thing about yourself, what would it be?: idk
Do you think you are emotionally strong?: sure
Is there anything you regret doing/not doing in life?: yea
Do you think life has been good so far?: yea
What is the most important lesson you've learned from life?: ur friends r not always ur friends
What do you like the most about your body?: idk
And least?: idk
Do you think you are good looking?: dnt ask me
Are you confident?: sure
What is the fictional character you are most like?: casey @ the bat
Are you perceived wrongly?: sumtimes
Do You...
Smoke?: hell no
Do drugs?: hell no
Read the newspaper?: sports page
Pray?: sumtimes
Go to church?: yea
Talk to strangers who IM you?: depends
Sleep with stuffed animals?: nope
Take walks in the rain?: sumtimes
Talk to people even though you hate them?: i hav 2
Drive?: not legally
Like to drive fast?: I WANNA GO FAST!!
Would or Have You Ever?
Liked your voice?: nope
Hurt yourself?: not purposely
Been out of the country?: nope
Eaten something that made other people sick?: skool lunch
Been in love?: i thought
Done drugs?: hell no
Gone skinny dipping?: uhhh.....dnt think so
Had a medical emergency?: yea
Had surgery?: yea
Ran away from home?: i made it 2 the big tree down the street
Played strip poker?: .........
Gotten beaten up?: fuck no
Beaten someone up?: yea
Been picked on?: yea
Been on stage?: yea
Slept outdoors?: yea
Thought about suicide?: nope
Pulled an all nighter?: yea
If yes, what is your record?: 36 hrs
Gone one day without food?: yea
Talked on the phone all night?: yea
Slept together with the opposite sex w/o actually having sex?: nope
Slept all day?: yea
Killed someone?: no (wtf?)
Made out with a stranger?: ........
Had sex with a stranger?: nope
Thought you're going crazy?: yup, right now
Kissed the same sex?: hell no
Done anything sexual with the same sex?: hell no
Been betrayed?: yea
Had a dream that came true?: yea
Broken the law?: yea
Met a famous person?: we played kyle allard n fairmont sr 2x
Have you ever killed an animal by accident?: yea
On purpose?: bugs
Told a secret you swore you wouldn't tell?: no
Stolen anything?: yea
Been on radio/tv?: i was n the backround @ a pirates game once
Been in a mosh-pit?: kinda
Had a nervous breakdown?: nope
Bungee jumped?: nope
Had a dream that kept coming back?: yea
Belive in life on other planets?: think of the whole universe, its scary 2 think that earth is the only planet wit life on it
Miracles?: duz this answer ur question: greg pitched good vs. lincoln
Astrology?: nope
Magic?: nope
God?: yes
Satan?: yea: mrs. mckinzie
Santa?: nope
Ghosts?: idk
Luck?: nope
Love at first sight?: sumtimes
Yin and yang (that good cant exist w/o bad)?: yes
Witches?: mrs. mckinzie
Easter bunny?: nope
Believe its possible to remain faithful forever?: if u mean it
Believe theres a pot of gold at the end of a rainbow?: nope
Do you wish on stars?: shooting stars
Deep Theological Questions
Do you believe in the traditional view of Heaven and Hell?: yes
Do you think God has a gender?: no
Do you believe in organized religion?: yes
Where do you think we go when we die?: depends on how u live ur life
Do you have any gay/lesbian friends?: if they r, idk no it 4 sure
Who is your best friend?: i hav a lot
Who's the one person that knows most about you?: God
What's the best advice that anyone has ever given to you?: HEADS UP!!!!
Your favourite inside joke?: it wouldnt be an inside joke if i showed it on this
Thing you're picked on most about?: idk
Who's your longest known friend?: either vince, laken r becky, idk
Newest?: i jus met a few yesterday
Shyest?: mikey
Funniest?: sabastian
Sweetest?: ????
Closest?: vince, bill,sabastian, zach,
Weirdest?: shivers(he wips his stuff out n science class)
Smartest?: aravind
Ditziest?: wat?
Friends you miss being close to the most?: idk
Last person you talked to online?: jadeorade
Who do you talk to most online?: idk
Who are you on the phone with most?: telemarketers call about every 5 minutes
Who do you trust most?: me
Who listens to your problems?: no 1
Who do you fight most with?: my brother
Who's the nicest?: bill
Who's the most outgoing?: harrison
Who's the best singer?: becky
Who's on your shit-list?: greg (jk)
Have you ever thought of having sex with a friend?: a girlfried, not a close friend
Who's your second family?: theres a few
Do you always feel understood?: no
Who's the loudest friend?: harrison
Do you trust others easily?: depends
Who's house were you last at?: cousin
Name one person who's arms you feel safe in:: her
Do your friends know you?: apparently since theyr my friends
Friend that lives farthest away:: shelby(louisiana)
Love and All That
Do you consider love a mistake?: if u rush n2 it
What do you find romantic?: idk
Turn-on?: good looking, nice, funny(n no order)
Turn-off?: smoking n drugs n bein an asshole
First kiss?: thats personal
If someone u had no interest in had interest in dating u how would u feel?: idk ,i mite jus need 2 get 2 no them 1st
Do you prefer knowing someone before dating them or going: it helps
Have u ever wished it was more socially acceptable 4 a girl 2 ask a guy out: idc
Have you ever been romantically attracted to someone physically unattractiv: dnt think so
Do you think the opposite sex finds you good looking?: ask them
What is best about the opposite sex?: .....
What is the worst thing about the opposite sex?: sumtimes theyr hard 2 understand n they can b bitches sumtimes
What's the last present someone gave you?: idk
Are you in love?: nope
Do you consider your significant other hot?: yea
Who Was the Last Person...
That haunted you?: i dnt hav ne dead friends
You wanted to kill?: huever it was that spilled theyr water on my bag @ the doddridge game
That you laughed at?: brother
That laughed at you?: sum random lady that i waved @ on the street
That turned you on?: there was this really hot girl on a commercial like 30 secs ago
You went shopping with?: dnt really shop that often i jus go 2 the mall n jus hang out r c a movie
That broke your heart?: her
To disappoint you?: idk
To ask you out?: sum girl that i didnt no @ the mall
To make you cry?: idk, that was a long time ago
To brighten up your day?: ?
That you thought about?: none of ur business
You saw a movie with?: i havnt had ne weekends off since baseball started but i saw a movie wit the rest of the freshman baseball players
You talked to on the phone?: another telemarketer jus called
You talked to through IM/ICQ?: my cuz sarah
You saw?: my brother jus walked by
You lost?: huh?
Right This Moment...
Are you going out?: no
Will it be with your significant other?: i jus said no
Or some random person?: i jus said no
What are you wearing right now?: clothes
Body part you're touching right now:: arm
What are you worried about right now?: nothing
What book are you reading?: cant read
What's on your mousepad?: black
Use 5 words to describe how you're feeling:: shitty, tired, pissed, kinda hungry
Are you bored?: thats y im doin this quiz thing
Are you tired?: yea
Are you talking to anyone online?: not right now
Are you talking to anyone on the phone?: no
Are you lonely or content?: content
Are you listening to music?: yea
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The Football Survey
Do you Like Football?:: yes
Ever Thought about playin it?:: i do
Do you Play it?:: i jus said yea
If you do, are you good?:: ill b gettin better once i start liftin again
What postion do you play?:: OL/DL
Most Tackels you made in a Season:: probly 20 r 25 wen i was n jr high
What kind of Fask mask do you have?:: idk, we get diffrent helmets n facemasks evry year
How many games have you ever lost?:: 23
Ever won a championship?:: theres 1 comin this year!
Are you a starter?:: not yet
Are you a team Captin?:: if im not a starter, then wat r the chances of bein a captain?
Why do ypu play football?:: u can hit ppl w/o consequences
Position you wished you played?:: idk, fullback if i can get faster
Best Player on your team?:: eithr p-mus r c.stanton
Best Game yoou ever played:: elkins n 9th grade
What team are you on?:: nd irish
How long have you been playin?:: 7th grade
What was the Closest game u were in?:: wahama
Ever had a game in the Rain?: a lot
Ever beat a team by more than 30 points?:: maybe, i 4get
Think you can make it to the NfL?:: sure, yea rite
Do you like your coach?:: yea i guess
Do you think your coaches have you at the wrong Position?:: no
Do you think you could get a Scholorship to a Div.1 school?:: if i train xtremely hard n stay n the weight room
Is your team good?:: hellz yes, 4 r div. ne way
WHat are your team colors?:: green n gold
Do you have a sleeve for your chinstrap?:: nope
Do you think football is harder then hockey?:: yes
What is your team name?:: nd irish
Was this servery good?:: i guess
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My Interests

baseball,GIRLS, football, music(all music), hangin, paintball, blowin stuff up, wvu football, pitt pirates n steelers,the raiders(kinda),fishing

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everything on the radio. some of my favorites r my chemical romance, t.i., avenged sevenfold,3 days grace, green day, chamillionaire, jay-z,JET, jimi hendrix, AC/DC, the beatles,the doors, led zepplin, ozzy, yong joc, young jeezey, akon, blink-182,crossfade,fall out boy, iron maiden, linkin park, disturbed,KoRn, Ludacris,nirvana,red hot chili peppers,system of a down, velvet revolver, guns n roses,tupac, notrious b.i.g.,Lupe fiasco, dem franchise boyz,moke jones, rich boy, the game, breaking benjamin,slipknot, pink floyd,hawthorne heights,rise against, rage against the machine, audioslave, smashing pumpkins, soundgarden,3 6 mafia,the killers, johnny cash,matchbook romance, billy talent, aiden,modest mouse, saliva, tenacious d, motorhead, black sabbath,elvis, kill hannah, snoop,story of the year, taking back sunday,foo fighters, lil jon, lil wayne, lil flip, bone, thugz, n harmony,good charlotte, thursday, john mayer rolling stones, beyonce, fergie, black eyed peas, rob zombie, white zombie, pantera, metallica, aerosmith, 30 secs 2 mars, gym class heroes, drowning pool, the used,red jumsuit apparatus, evanescance, anthrax, stone sour, the pink spiders, incubus, p.o.d., afi,motley crue, seether, 32 leaves, weezer, sex pistols, the ramones, oasis, radiohead, bruce springsteen, relint k, kanye west, common,shop boyz, Panic! at the disco, fall out boy Good Charlotte 'The River'

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300 was pretty good


espn, mtv


2 lazy 2 read a whole book


greg allen