39 VerK Squad Tricking  This is the VerK Squad stream19 page. VerK Squad is a Wave Boarding Team. Verk Squad consists of 2 m (...) View Full ProfileThis is the VerK Squad stream19 page. VerK Squad is a Wave Boarding Team. Verk Squad consists of 2 members. Member#1 Tim Verklin aka The T.V. Member#2 is Ryan Verklin aka VerK-@-Lerk. The two Verklin brother were born and raised in the Bay Area and then moved to Connecticut to where they currently live. Verk Squad have waved the city streets of New York, Paris, Sydney and Barcelona. If you got a waveboard keep riding and shreddin. If Not go to Sports Authority and pick one up. They have a one year warranty and if you break it you can go right in and exchange without any questions asked.Remeber if it Aint a Wave then it Aint Good!!!!!!!!!!Go and Ride That Wave!!!!!!!!!Steetsurfing.com