people don't care about words...
I take words and language for granted everyday... in 21 years I've said horrific things that I entirely regret...
I'm sorry to all of the people I've offended, and hurt in the process of climbing my way to the top...
I'm letting myself fall down.
Please don't catch me.
This is Saree:
I am Art...
I Breathe Words.
I Speak in Metaphors.
I'm jumbled words scribbled on a paper.
I Voice my Own Opinions.
I am not afraid to Think for Myself
From what I'm told, I'm incredibly intimidating.
I Feed off Emotions & Energy.
I am Inspired by Everything.
I Dance and Twirl all over.
I Escape through Writing....
I am always Writing.
(Read my BLOGS ,Please.)
I Love to make my friends Laugh.
I laugh a lot, even when I'm broken inside.
I can annhilate your Ego in just a couple of sentences.
I'm "too honest"
I offend people a lot... not always on purpose.
Apparently I know the Perfectly wrong things to say... at the perfectly wrong time to say them.
Thoughts are Constantly jumbled throughout my Head.
I'm very detail oriented.
I have not eaten meat since November 2007
I'm have an obsession with eyes...
I collect stickers.
I Am easily Amused.
I haven't done anything creative in a horrificlly long time.
I can be professional when I need to...
although I'm a complete weird-o.
Which I do perfer...
We do everything together.
I have an 'addictive personality'...
But it's usually other people and their addiction to me.
I tend to keep to Myself A lot.
I'm too pessimistic.
I have social anxiety... but you usually won't know.
I despise talking on the phone.
I collect Hello kitty stuff; I have since I was really young.
I have amazing friends/acquaintences etc..
I believe everyone meets the people they meet for a reason.
Reguardless of the reason.
I love the Bride of Frakenstein
I Love Orchids.
My favorite colors are Electric Blue, Lime Green & Neon Pink
I am ALWAYS listening to Music.
Sounds inspire me
I say whatever is on my mind, even if it's inappropriate.
The Smell after it rains is my favorite ever.
I wear Coconut-lime body spray and Berry deodorant.
I love Spring time.
I can't figure myself out....
Once I think I've got it, I change my Mind.
I'm Sarcastic and condescending.
I don't always mean to be and I'm trying to work on it.
I've realized, it's not worth chasing after people.
If you're my real friend, you'll stay with me no matter what descions I make.
Even when I know they are wrong.
I Change my hair colors a lot.
I used to have dreadlocks, for appearance purposes, not the lifestyle.
I reinvent myself a lot... but I've looked about 18 for the passed 5 years.
I like to Color Coordinate my Outfits & Make-up.
It takes me about 15 minutes to put my make-up on, and about 7 more to put my eyebrows on.
I love Kitties and Bunnies.
and imported san-x characters.... like buru buru dog♥
I love being in love...
Though who knows what that actually means?
I love being Alive.
I Jump on the bed and beg Dylan to jump with me.
I think that very I'm Pretty.
I've been told I'm conceited... narcisstic... egotistical.
It's all a defense mechanism...
I love Contemplating everything.
I want a Bosten Terrier, and to name it Crumbles.
I like Lime flavored stuff
I have Asthma... and my Inhaler in my Saviour.
True Dat.
I hate the smell of smoke; it gives me headaches.
I'm Loud and Energetic.
My Immune system is practically nonexistant.
I'm allergic to mold, pollen, dust... and 8 million other things.
I can not Swim, therefore I'm Terrifed of Drowning.
I am Spritual, not Religious.
I'm extremely sensitive to paranormal activity.
I love Zombies & Horror Movies.
Memories Consume me.
I Day Dream a Lot.
I have Strange Dreams constantly.
I Dream to go to Sleep.
I'm Constantly thinking...
I've gone through things you wouldn't believe.
I Believe in Life... Souls.. Love... Laughter.
I Change from day to day.
Sometimes I can't find words to Convey the way I feel, so I say Nothing at all.
I've become incredibly displaced.
I take Pictures of Everything, so I can keep the Memories forever.
I'm only Human, just like You.
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