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I am happily taken. His name is Dave...most of you dumb guys don't even bother reading this far and send unnecessary & completely unwanted emails or messages for me to "holla back" or "hit you up" so we can "chill" or "party". These messages will immediatley be disregarded & thrown into the trash...only after I'm finished laughing hysterically at your gayness.Mine and David’s Very 1st Picture!!!Didn't know this was being takenAt the Bears GameAt the Cubs GameDavid likes my TaTa'sWe always seem to matchAren't we just the cutest? lolHe's a prisoner for my looooooovin! lol
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Mary and I like ot Party all the time Party all the time Paaaaarrrrrrrty all the tiiiiimeeee
Click the horses one by one.... dont ask just DO IT!!!..
My Beautiful, Crazy kitten Puppy!
Adam Sandler and Jack Black are soooo sexy!