adopt your own virtual pet!Uni!!!
Beer Fest......
Good films....
Doing stupid things lol I always laugh at myself....don't see the point in getting embarassed :]
and hate to admit the random smoking katie forces me into
Your Pirate Name Is...
Skull Crusher Mistress of Death
What's Your Pirate Name?
meltie and kalissa...
and anyone else who isnt a knob.
Melissa Ryland --
A person who is constantly high
'How will you be defined in the dictionary?' at
music to drown to...too many bands to mention. music is just awesome.You should all love the awesome 'Khalo' guys, they too kick major ass and are also awesome mates of mine..... tv-links/ peekvid/ etc etc/dont have favs i just watch them.
ive got 5 basic channels at uni. tv is for the boring hours at 4am when you cant sleep. although - tv on the internet...we watch: heroes, prison break, lost, south park, skins...dunno what else.hahahahahahaha .. ..
fuck knows...when did i last read before uni...?but......heres a totally awesome gothicified poem made from rolling a dice as chamelicious were downing malibu.....drunken fun!Black is the core of my soul Unhappily I trudge through the fearsome forest Until dark shadows rid me of my inner demons.Dreams, Dreams, Dreams.Thou art my demolition.
My best friends....Guy, Cham, Katie, Sean, Soph, Em. how soppy is that lol..