MyGen Profile Generator
I like most music. My all-time favorite is Pink Floyd. I also like Sublime, old Modest Mouse, Neil Young, Tom Petty, The Grateful Dead, Bob Dylan, Bob Marley, Johnny Cash… and the list goes on…
I have a lot of favorite movies, but for some reason I can hardly think of any of them right now. A small sampling includes, Raising Arizona, Legends of the Fall, and The Wedding Singer, but I assure you, there are many, many more…
I love Jeopardy! Other than that, I think most new tv shows suck, but I guess I like (or is it that I'm addicted to)Lost, and occasionally I’ll watch the Daily Show and the Colbert Report (if I’m up that late), and I always like to tune in to Days of Our Lives (if I’m home mid-day, which is rare). Oh, and I have a slightly unhealthy addiction to infomercials. I'll seriously stay up all night watching them. The cheesier, the better. It doesn't even matter to me what they're selling -- be it super-amazing cleaning products, get-rich-quick schemes, or can't-live-without kitchen gagets -- I don't care, I'll watch it. But I've never actually bought anything. Yet...
Once upon a time I really loved to read… I believe the last book I read for pleasure was Jude the Obscure, and I really liked it. But that was probably 2 or 3 years ago. I don’t read much other than school books these days. And even though I’m usually at least mildly interested in the subject, a person can really only handle so many dense, highly analytical, historical monographs before they become completely sick of reading… I estimate it will probably take about 2 years from the time I finish school until I actually pick up a book simply because I want to read it. So I guess I’ll be able to fill in this category better then…