alias, restaurants, animals, art, asian, camping, chinese, clubing, cooking, culture, dean koontz books, di vinci code, dogs, drinking, guns, gym, hip hop, history, hong kong, jack daniels, languages, lost, meaning of life, movies, museums, nypd, politics, pugs, purpose, reggae, science, sex, sushi, theme parks, traveling, true love, 24, 4400, exotic locations
No one that complains all the time, no one that has a bf, involved w/ someone in the process of getting w/ someone, or just broke up w/ someone. No one that is racist. No one that is super religious. No one that has bad hygeine. No one that doesn't drink.
Slow Jams, Blues, Hip Hop, Classical, Asian, Pop
Suspense, Horror and generally movies with CONTENT and a twist
Friends, Everyone Loves Raymond, LOST, O.Z. Sopranos, 24, 4400, Alias
Dean Koontz, Angels and Demons, Di Vinci Code, 5 People you met in Heaven, Tuesdays with Morrie, The Good Earth
Sun Yat Shen, William Wallace