hi,,,i'm just a simple gurl,,whO have my own life,
like to make friends,,
somEtimes i alWays think dat life is so unfair..bUt i noE everytHings cOmes wIf a rEasOn..sO i rEallY2 aPPreciate my lIfe..n sMtimes we mIght think dat,it wIll be bEtter if we have sOmeone that we can shared oUr joy,haPpiness n sad mOment together..LOve..fOr me loVe is sUbjective,,love have a vEry deep meaning and lOve is a gIft,that need us to appreciate it..we can buy anything else but not a love..Friends..for me friends can make me happy..but friends can't make me happy forever..and to all my fwen...thanks for being ma fwen..love u all..Girly Myspace Layouts