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My Aura Report: 4-19-08CROWN (COSMIC CONNECTION):The crown chakra summarizes your total energy state. When we are experiencing changes, colors in our energy field will fluctuate wildly. However, colors in the crown chakra will reflect our resonant color.AQUAMARINE CROWN:You have a compassionate, sensitive, and peaceful nature, and wish for your relationships to be easy and flowing. You are fully aware of how to encourage and nurture others with firmness and affection. With your natural ability to counsel others, you may find yourself attracted to a partner with vibrant golden tones whose fiery and spunky personality responds well to the parent within your spirit, which may occasionally cause some conflicts in your otherwise peaceful existence. With your encouragement, such a person may instantly take to you as a sensitive and caring confidant who they can trust to tame their secret desire for artistic freedom. You may also find that a partner with whom you share similar blue or green tones will be equally as attractive to you. If you choose a partner with your tones you will likely both nurture each others sunny sides while providing a caring and compassionate environment in which your relationship will grow.THIRD EYE (EXPERIENCE):The color seen over your brow is what you now experience for yourself. It's the color that would best describe your spiritual vision.RED THIRD EYE:Right now you are experiencing a time of challenge with an action packed schedule barely leaving you time to breathe let alone sleep. You have a lot to do, and you have the energy and power to move mountains at this point in your life. You may find yourself acting as a dynamic leader, or find yourself in the limelight, or the center of attention. You are definitely being noticed. You have so much energy you sometimes don't know what to do with it. You may exhaust the people around you with your incredible enthusiasm.LEFT SIDE (FUTURE):The color on the left side is normally the vibration coming into your being. The closer it is to you the sooner it will be felt. Perhaps within a few moments, hours or as long as a few months.TURQUOISE LEFT:Blue is the color of communication and intuition while green is the color of change. A blue-green, then, indicates new learning. Blue also signifies the ability to listen and receive information. Expect to be entering a time of peaceful receptivity when you will be able to learn many new things.RIGHT SIDE (EXPRESSION):The color on the right side is traditionally the energy being expressed. It is the vibrational frequency most likely seen or felt by others around you. Many times your friends will think this is the energy that you are made of, however, it is what you are putting out to the world.VIOLET RIGHT:The world cannot help but notice your glorious inner light. Your aura shines and radiates outward towards others with loving, healing energy. You put the highest vibrational frequency out into the world. Violet symbolizes magic, mysticism and visionary capacity and also indicates a person who is profoundly insightful and keenly aware of their spiritual path. You have the ability to be a charismatic spiritual leader.THROAT (COMMUNICATION):The color of the throat chakra is traditionally the energy being expressed. The vibrational frequency most likely seen or felt by others around you. Many times your friends will think this is the energy that you are made of. However, it is the energy you are putting out into the world.ORANGE THROAT:You can't help expressing yourself creatively. Your voice is your instrument. You may enjoy singing, acting, telling jokes and stories, or just chatting with friends. People find you a lively and entertaining companion. You are warm, outgoing, and sociable.HEART (EMPATHY):The color on the heart chakra center represents your vibration of connection, affinity, compassion and empathy. How you feel about yourself and others is reflected here. If you feel intense passion for someone or something the energy in this center will be very strong.LAVENDER HEART:You glow with a magical and mysterious inner light. There's something different about you. You have a "sixth sense", and a strong connection with the divine. You live by faith and you believe in miracles. Always seeming to be in the right place at the right time, you are magically guided by a higher power. You work to heal yourself and others. You are always seeing the bigger picture and yourself reflected in the cosmos. The mundane details of life often bore you. Paying the bills seems far less important than meditating daily or writing down your visions from dreams or pondering your favorite current fantasy. You exist in another world far more beautiful and humane than the one in which everyone else lives.SOLAR PLEXUS (POWER):The color on the solar plexus is normally the center vibration of your being. The Solar Plexus is associated with poweror wealth, and is called the "money pot" by the Hindus. This is the center of self-esteem and ego.BLUE-WHITE SOLAR PLEXUS:Blue is the color of peace, meditation, intuition and tranquility and white is the color of spirituality. This mixture of blue and white indicates that you are now creating experiences of intense beauty, harmony, inner peace and oneness with the divine. A beautiful healing energy spirals from your center to those around you. You may be able to act as a clear conduit for spiritual healing vibrations to flow through you to heal yourself and others. You are probably working on developing a close connection with the Creator through some kind of spiritual practice or artistic pursuit.SEX (CREATIVITY):This energy center of the body is about playfulness, sociability, and one's emotional life. It is a profound source of creativity, joy and pleasure that is nurturing, healing and bonding, and sexuality in adults. Many religions consider sex sinful. This belief can create a source of guilt, fear and shame. When the energy in this area is balanced, the person will probably have a healthy positive attitude toward basic love. The sexual center is the position from which one reaches out, expands and relates to others.BLUE-WHITE SEX:"Peace loving" and "healing" best describe how you relate to others at this point in your life. You are a natural, clear conduit for spiritual healing energy. This light colored blue indicates you are in a regenerative, restful phase, and may be taking "time out" from sexual and romantic liaisons. If you are in a relationship, this is probably a time you are both focusing on friendship, companionship, and spiritual growth. In the blue-white sex chakra we see that you may find yourself gently encouraging and nurturing others. Presently, your highest goals are to achieve complete inner peace and to develop harmonious communication with others. You are definitely a "giver."ROOT (GROUNDING):The color in the area of the root chakra is traditionally the energy of the physical plane and material reality. People with strong energy in this center usually have a red color and possess good survival skills. This is also the center of manifestation. If you are trying to succeed in the world either by making more money, establishing a business, or accumulating possessions, you will be focusing your energy here. This is also the place from which passion flows. It is the source of power and ego development.LAVENDER ROOT:You put out the highest vibrational frequency into the world. White represents spirituality and intense healing while violet symbolizes magic, mysticism and visionary capacity. A combination of these two colors indicates a person who is profoundly magical and keenly aware of their spiritual path. Somehow you have managed to transcend the physical plane, because you easily negotiate your worldly affairs without worry, stress, or effort. Others wonder how you accomplish things so easily. You just let everything flow and everything gets done.Let us remember this day who we really are. How holy we are to come into these human bodies and experience the beauty of life in all its forms. How powerful are we! How thankful to remember that our Father Loves us so much. Love your brothers for they are just like you. We are all one with God, each other and all of creation.Please visit my Website at

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The earth is changing, can you feel it? Something deep within your soul is stirring and your logical egoic mind can not comprehend it. Is it real? What is real? Do you think that the life you are living is real? Do you think that this short microscopic instant in eternity is your entire existence, that you inhabit your physical body for 75 years is all there is. Think again. Instead of listening to other people telling you what they think is real, why don't you find out for yourself. Go within and there you will find the Kingdom of God, Heaven, the peace, the joy, the love you have been searching for. It's not "out there." It's not what other people say it is. Go within and there you will find truth, it is only there that reality lies. If you don't go within, you go without. No God, No peace, know God, know peace. Information is Knowledge and Knowldedge is Wisdom. Let your spirit guide you to the truth.What are you doing to change the world? Are you living the light that you are or are you following someone elses' truth. Love the earth, she supports you, love your brother as he is one with you, love God as He made you, and love yourself, for you are Christ, God's Son. The love you withhold is the pain you endure.

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Understanding about Our Spiritual Evolution to The New Earth
By Channie West
When one speaks of Earth, one gets fascinated over everything that took place here during the total life history of the planet. Words such as evolution come up to describe long processes of development that sometimes took millions of years to be completed, the way we look at completion. Maybe, evolution isn't the correct word to use in this case, but I will use it anyway. Although this time it is not about the usual kind of evolution, but rather a Spiritual Evolution. It is a growth that will consist of many phases. It has a very predictable process of development, where we and our planet shall become fulfilled. Without knowing it, maybe, we have all entered a new phase. A very big step has been taken. The Spiritual Evolution is fully happening. The Earth has taken a natural step forward and things are happening sort of like a "normal" evolution. The big difference though, is that this time it is happening on an inner, deeper and spiritual plane.
The New Earth is still a separate part. It is a separate planet apart from us and mostly unknown it hides in a different dimension. The New Earth is a very important piece of the puzzle though, and it is a very tangible part of our Spiritual Evolution and development. Our Spiritual Evolution and what the New Earth will become to us can never be stopped or slowed down. The only way it could be, would be if people destroyed the whole process, but fortunately that is most improbable. Especially since the process itself means that people are becoming more and more aware. That awareness will lead to more understanding and clarity which, in turn, will lead people to want to help more, since they understand the purpose of everything.

It doesn't matter what you have read or heard before about Earth's transformation. Nor is it important, according to their telling, how it is supposed to happen or what it is supposed to look like. It is more important that you, in some way, have chosen to listen and be receptive to receive the information. Once you have received information it is up to your Higher Self to sort out the answers. Our Higher Self represents our Spiritual Wisdom and Consciousness on a Higher plane and it assimilates the information and sends back whatever is worth believing in. Often you will get a clear, positive feeling and some sort of a knowing feeling in that process.

There have been many predictions on Earth's development throughout the years, especially from the people in the spiritual communities. Sometimes these predictions have been about destruction, severely unfair, or they have been more of the utopian kind. Some have shown maps of new continents and other things in shifted places. Those predictions also say that most of the land will sink. They tell of flooding and disasters, except for the areas where they themselves reside. Others have spoken of how certain chosen people, including themselves, of course, will proceed and move forward to something higher. This higher something is often described in a rather grand, but woolly way. They may say that the people that remain will just cease to exist or that they will be condemned to live under terrible conditions. Again, others say that ships will evacuate all of Earth's people and pick everyone up. There are other predictions saying that we will move into the inside of Earth, under the crust and without having a real sun.

How come the psychics and the clairvoyants have so many different predictions and theories? How come they all see it so differently? So far many of them may have been known to be able to predict things correctly. So, the question is, how do we know who is right and who isn't?

When people ask me how correct certain things that they've heard or read are, I haven't rushed in to either confirm or deny statements that others have given out. Most of the time I have chosen to say that everyone is probably right in their own way. Many of them have actually come close to an understanding of the information that they have been given and that is the point; that they have received the information. However, no present existing human being knows! No one has that ability. All information is received in different ways, but it comes from somewhere else, whether they read cards or look at signs in nature. The spiritually contacted or psychics often get visions of the future or psychic information. The visions are seldom complete, simply because our Higher Selves don't even know. No one can be completely sure of the events of the future tapestry. Afterwards the psychics add whatever they feel is missing. That might happen unconsciously or very consciously. And in that case they may follow some sort of a pattern that worked before when they added things to get a correct statement. The psychics cannot do it in the old way, when they try to fill it in. That may have worked before the new evolution of ours and the existence of The New Earth. Now there isn't any logic to lean up against because when working with another dimension, things are too fine tuned and subtle. It is too big and complicated to understand with our logic how a whole planet can be moved into another dimension. It is also too difficult for a person to be able to have an overview of it all, since a Spiritual Evolution is much too big.

To be able to understand, you have to know everything about earlier similar occurrences or you would have to have seen the whole thing with your own eyes. You would have to have talked to someone who had experienced it themselves or supervised such event. How can you ever expect or ask a psychic person to be able to understand something that they have never experienced? Even if they had experienced it, believe me, it is still hard to find words. On top of that, most psychics or clairvoyants do not have such contacts or physical contacts with higher beings that they meet in real life.

I, myself, have had the great privilege and advantage to have an open dialogue, on a physical plane, with Universal beings of all kinds. Since I was five years old I have met the nice kind of Extraterrestrials, Angels, Archangels and Light Beings and I met them physically. All these beings have an understanding of all the steps in Earth's development and they also have so many more answers to all the questions of life. The benefits are tremendous when you have real physical contacts and can sit down to talk and discuss things with them. Then you can fill in the gaps after a thorough study of examples where everything is completed. They even let me go to other planets that had already gone through their spiritual development and transformation the same way as our Earth is about to do it. Of course Earth is not the first planet to go through this phase in its development. Millions of planets have done the same thing. Remember that these superbeings were once where we are about to go now.

The New Earth is already born! It already exists in another dimension than ours. So there is actually another globe! It is there in the other dimension where it lives and thrives while waiting for us. The position of our present Earth gives nourishment and power to the New Earth. The process of their meeting started in September 2003. That is when their auras first touched and a new tone was introduced by lightworkers on Earth in Los Angeles, California, USA. I was there myself among others. This is how poetic it was described later: The aura of our present Earth is already kissing the aura of the New Earth.

The New Earth already has inhabitants. They are the people, animals and plants who died recently on our present Earth. (You can already, via meditations, try to connect with your dear ones, who according to our ordinary way of viewing it, died here on this Earth.) When we are on New Earth we will meet our "deceased friends" again and then we will exist on the same physical level as they do. This will take place on a more finely tuned plane, on another level than our physical bodies of today. It will be like that because we will exist in a different dimension than we do now which, in turn, will make them and us look a little different after the shift. We will still be able to recognize each other though. Maybe people will even find their pet who died on Earth or their favorite tree that was chopped down, when they go to New Earth.

Even though nature and animals from old Earth are coming with us to New Earth, perhaps in a new shape, there will still be so many new things. There will be a lot of new plants and animals to study and explore. (You can actually start exploring it already via meditations to New Earth.)

The New Earth is bigger than the present one. It has new continents and other small and big changes from that which we are used to. India has an enormously beautiful archipelago that is made up of thousands of islands. Africa has a huge lake in its center. There is a completely new continent between Australia and South America. So maybe some of all the predictions with new continents and maps are true after all. It doesn't mean, however, that they were created by erupting volcanoes, land moving around, earthquakes and other types of catastrophic events. Instead it means that our dear Mother Earth is choosing to take on a different appearance when she created the New Earth. Other predictions, you could say, are right as well. Some apparently common people will, by their own choice, leave the New Earth to go home to their home planet somewhere in the Universe. The reason for that is simply because their souls do not belong there and with Earth people.

Many things on and around the New Earth will be different. The sun of the New Earth will be different and it is not yet completed. This will create a completely different light than what we have presently. Colors and many other things will look different and unusual to us before we get used to all the new. (You can take part in all of this through the meditations in the NET-classes.)

In the process that many have chosen to call Earth's transformation or Earth going up to a different dimension, it is not about the present Earth changing or transforming herself. It is Her Soul that moves in to a new "body." Our own Souls will make the change as well, although we will do more than that. We will do it in a more physical way as well. All the preparations have already started. The signs that are telling what is going on can already be seen inside of us, in our bodies and in our surroundings. Therefore the NET-classes are of immediate interest to make it easier for people to understand what is going on. We can take acupuncture, as an example. Suddenly it will be harder to find the points and give the appropriate treatment, because the chakras and the meridians have changed and, therefore, will affect the positions of the points.

So, exactly how is this entire thing going to come about? Let me try to describe it. Imagine that it is a warm summer day. You are wearing a heavy, dark and soaking wet coat. It is totally out of fashion, uncomfortable and weighs down your shoulders and you feel sweaty and bad wearing it. Then someone comes to you and offers you a thin silk shirt in a light color plus a pair of matching light pants. Wouldn't you gratefully receive these gifts and say, "Yes, thank you" right away? Surely you would want to change right away and take off the heavy and dark coat. Your answer would be "yes" for sure. So why wouldn't our dear Mother Earth, as the living organism that she is, say "Yes"? In her case, though, it is not like a quick change of clothes. She will not suddenly and magically turn into a paradise and become exquisitely beautiful, pure and clean. No, it has been a long process with many different steps and phases. Most of them have passed long ago though.

Mother Earth has created herself out of her own wish for perfection. Maybe some of the things that she looks upon as perfect will be a little bit unusual to us in the beginning, but this is the way she wants it. Her creation was assisted by God and all the Higher Powers, whatever names we choose to give them in different religions. Some of them we don't even have any knowledge of. Other beings have helped as well such as nice extraterrestrials, angels and light beings. So, our dear Mother Earth has chosen to create her own new appearance and take on a new form which is bigger and very different in many ways. The choice was, and is, hers.

When the Spiritual Evolution and the ascension to a higher dimension happens, our present Earth will meet and go right through the New Earth. This is possible since they are placed in two completely different dimensions. It will happen in a very beautiful way, almost like when two beings in love in the Universe, share their Souls with each other and become One. For a moment during the process, the two of them will become One. In that moment Mother Earth will move her soul into the planet of New Earth, into the core. The actual passing through will take a total of three days. After that, they will part from each other and will once again become two separate entities again. They will continue in different directions in their dimensions and will follow certain universal rules on orbits. Then, the new counting of time will start on our New Earth. The time will be zero. The influence of time on things and the preparing energies of time in different ways on New Earth were looked after by three Goddesses of time. This happened between the 30th of November and the 3rd of December, 2003.

When the process of the two Earths going through each other happens, everything stops. Everything and everyone that has gone up to a higher frequency will stick to the surface. Mother Earth will not leave anything or anyone. Everything needs to and must have the same high frequency as she herself has, otherwise it could hurt her. Therefore she prepares and changes us and she herself is going through that, too. Our present Earth has gone through a great many frequency rises of her ground energies the last ten years. The frequency in the earth lines has increased remarkably which, in turn, raises all the surrounding energies on the overall ground space. The energy then changes in everything that is alive because of that. It doesn't matter whether they live on land or in the water. The nature, the animals and people are getting affected in a very strong way; an inevitable Spiritual Evolution. In everything alive, there is a process, in what you call the chakras. Those are also being affected in a strong way and they are changing their form and color. This is happening so that everything will be in harmony with the new higher frequency of the ground and the increased surrounding energy. The Earth's aura is also changing its energy towards the Universe, which enables us to receive even more cosmic energy than usual. The whole solar system is affected and, even beyond that, positive things are happening because of our Spiritual Evolution.

A new consciousness and willingness in people to grow more in spiritual areas is also coming with our new higher frequency. We are getting a greater consciousness and a wider understanding and also a deeper insight into things, which we will need before the great shift.

We need it so that we can remain on the surface of the New Earth when the two planets pass through each other. It is extremely necessary that we reach a higher frequency so that we will be welcomed to and be able to belong on New Earth.

What happens, then, to people who do not reach this insight or to people whom we look upon as violent, mean and egotistic? How will they quickly have peace in mind and sufficient Spiritual understanding before the shift? The answer is that everyone will, even these people. When the shift happens, the last step of the evolution, everyone is needed. We are all like unique pieces of a complicated puzzle. The fact is that the majority of all people today have not yet understood. That is why the NET-courses are needed. It is important to remember, though, that there are others that help in this, too, and everyone needs to find their own way that leads them forward.

Everyone has spiritual leaders, guides, guardian angels and so on, and they are all helping now. Those are often the ones that know us the best, since they have long been close to us and have looked at and helped us in our spiritual growth. These personal helpers will now start to contact us in a more apparent way. Even people who are currently very skeptical towards the thought of existing personal guides will have more contact. Every person and everything that lives is surrounded by an energy flow that shows the amount of life force within. This is called the aura. The aura can vary in size depending on the mood or how someone is feeling. A common aura is 6 to 25 feet in diameter. More enlightened people can have an aura that is 40 feet or more. In every part of the aura there are colors, zones, patterns and other things that are called the layers of the aura. If you were to measure the width of a hand in the aura, you would find approximately 13 million layers of memories. When we get sick the illness often begins in the aura. When you are sick you lose energy in the aura, which makes it smaller. It gets smaller in the process of gaining your health as well. If you have a wound, for example, the aura will be smaller right where the wound is.

Our Mother Earth is a highly alive being, which means that she, too, has an aura. It is there even though we have hurt it by mining and even though we plugged it up with our cities. Her energy and aura are smaller than other planets' auras because of everything we have done to her. (In NET-class part 2, you will learn how to clear the congestion that our cities have caused.) In spite of the damages that we have caused our Earth, her aura is enormously big and the New Earth's aura is even bigger. These two gigantic auras met through the dimensions between the 21st and the 22nd of September 2003. After that, they are slowly passing through each other, layer by layer. Even the aura of the Earth has layers, although the layers of a planet's aura are more complicated than the layers of a person's aura. The layers of our present Earth's aura consist of much more complicated things than layers of memories, patterns, colors, and such things. There are layers for the Death Kingdom, where you first go when you die. There are layers for the plant's, animal's and people's group consciousness, etc.

While the time passes it will be possible to, in a more concrete way, be able to perceive things when different layers goes through each other. For every important layer that is passed, it also has to be integrated and the information absorbed by the New Earth's aura. From the beginning its aura and its "memory storage" were neutral. But not empty, because there was already life energy. If the aura of the New Earth bumps into negative layers or that which has a heavier vibration, these will not be picked up, simply because the energies aren't the right ones. In any case we would not want to have them anyway. For example, when the auras and the layers meet where the animal group consciousness are, their hunt and prey instincts will disappear in their preparation for New Earth. Of course it has to happen at the right time and not too early, otherwise they would starve to death since they wouldn't know how to handle the new situation. The substitute for their old food must be provided, which it will be on New Earth.

Our present Earth, our dear Mother Earth, has a Soul and a Spirit as the living organism She is. These two have already started to leave us somewhat with a certain percentage. It started to happen already in spring 2002 and in 2003. Some people felt some sort of an absence from nature energies and flows in the nature. The desire to connect closely with nature and the soil disappeared partly. There was the feeling of not being in harmony with the ground and some chose to take a step back from connecting with nature. This meant that people weren't as eager to go outside and dig their fingers in the soil or plant things as they used to be. Maybe it was blamed on other things, but the fact was that Mother Earth was more vulnerable during this time and needed to rest.

What is the worst that can happen? That we people wouldn't develop to the right level, the right frequency to be able to go into our Spiritual Evolution and reach the New Earth. Plants and animals don't have a problem raising their frequency on their own so it would probably be pretty lonely if they went without us. In that case we would be left here with everything of a heavier vibration, rubbish and other useless things that would be left on Earth. Thereafter everything starts to fall apart, so that Earth can become new building blocks, which are news in the history of our present dimension.

How likely is it that we would have such a dramatic ending? The answer is that the chance is extremely small. Our dear Mother Earth loves all Her children in spite of everything we have done to her. She wants to take everyone with her to the new. Also, all the processes are already happening, even inside of us and it is happening whether we want it or not. Good or bad, we will all receive the Spiritual Evolution, which can't be stopped. Our chakras are changing, then the auras, and the way we look, and so on. Other beings would not let us be lost, either, especially not since Mother Earth wants us all. The nice extraterrestrials, angels and light beings would help us without hesitation and they will help anyway. They will help so that everything will happen smoothly. We will all gain something from developing spiritually. The faster this part of the galaxy gets harmony, the better for all beings that live here and in other planes and dimensions around us.

Yes, Mother Earth needs us all no matter what we have done. Sometimes I imagine us people as being fleas on a dog named Mother Earth. Even if we bite her and make her itchy she still thinks of us as pretty nice company on her otherwise lonely journey through eternity.

Some people may wonder why we teach about cleansing in the NET-classes; a cleansing that will be made on and for our present Earth. Since we are leaving her, why do we do it? The cleansing is much needed. Heavier energies such as pollution and rubbish will make the process of Earth's evolution slower and more sluggish. So we can help to make it easier.

The NET-classes are there to awaken people's interest and stimulate new ways of thinking. Even though some of the people who read this do not always agree with it or understand it, there will be a seed planted and some of the words will sink in about the New Earth. Once it is stored there in the memory, the information will give birth to new ideas and thoughts.

So don't sit around waiting for something to happen. It is better to do something; anything will do.

Start studying spirituality, litter less, meditate, and be more conscious of Earth or something. Never fear the future. Welcome it, instead, with open eyes and curiosity. See all the new. Listen to everything that you hear and feel and feel what happens even inside yourself. Look at the signs in the skies of what is happening with the auras. Study your surrounding and you will see that you can already start to see some of the new that is happening.

Speak with others, as well, even in a joking way, just to see how people react. Rather have people laugh at what a strange woman like me, Channie West from Sweden, is saying, then not say anything at all. Whatever you say, will plant a seed and one day that seed will sprout. Then you can look back and feel a little proud of your deed.

Good Luck for the sake of our future, the Spiritual Evolution, the transformation and, of course, for the sake of the New Earth.<br

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The 2012 Enigma by David Wilcock - 1:35:47 - Mar 10, 2008 - Ratings) Rate:2012: Tragedy, transcension or just another year? David Wilcock exposes many great secrets: DNA, consciousness science, wormholes, stargate ...all » 2012: Tragedy, transcension or just another year? David Wilcock exposes many great secrets: DNA, consciousness science, wormholes, stargate travel, sacred geometry, three-dimensional time, the Mayan Calendar and much, much more! Part I: CONVERGENCE The Movie, consciousness energy field, Edgar Cayce reincarnation, Da Vinci Code, Inconvenient Truth, galactic alignment, dodecahedron, 2012 / DNA crop circles, sacred geometry as vibration, tetrahedron, 19.5 degrees Part II: Hans Jenny / Cymatics, space and time inverting, wave-particle duality, Buckyballs / fullerenes, DNA as a wave, Kaznacheyev, psychic healing, Dewey Larson, 3D time, space-time fabric, time-space Part III: Fairy circles, natural stargates, ESP, nested spheres, channeling, chakras, Pineal gland, Sumerian tablets, Osiris, kundalini, pine cone symbolism, Tammuz, Shiva, Third Eye, Bindi, Bacchus, Dionysus, Jesus, the Vatican Part IV: Pyramid sarcophagus, cathedral windows, the World Tree, melatonin, DMT, ayahuasca, Dreams, Out of Body Experience, the Silver Cord Part V: Mark of the Beast, microclusters, synchronicity, shamanism, holographic sound, reverse-engineering the pineal gland, Dan Burisch, Project Looking Glass, CONTACT Part VI: The Last Mimzy, the Roswell Crash, the Cube / Yellow Disc, Hellraiser, election tampering, pole shift, time-viewing technology, the Iraq War, DCTP / Doctrine of the Convergent Timeline Paradox, human-lineage ETs Part VII: Tree of Life, Illuminati, Rothschilds, Hitler, New World Order, Lucifer, Luciferian philosophy, Catholic church, Philadelphia Experiment / Rainbow Project Part VIII: Phoenix III, Montauk chair, time travel, Dec. 21, 2012, 20-year cycle, Stargate SG-1, Outer Band Individuated Teletracer / OBIT, The Outer Limits, Time Vector Generator / TVG, Mars pyramids, underground bases, jumproom, Total Recall, Minority Report, X-Men / Cerebro, Rifts in Time Part IX: Forbidden Planet, psychic conduit, LSD trips, zero-time, 2012 dimensional shift, Edgar Cayce readings, Chandler’s Wobble, pole shift, Library of Atlantis / Hall of Records, California earthquakes Part X: Create your own reality, 2012 not cataclysmic, Russian physics, Dr. Sergey Smelyakov / Auric Time Scale, Mayan Calendar, spiral imploding into 2012 changing consciousness, Ascended abilities, spiritual growth«2012 is approaching. It is the most exiting time in the history of the world. These videos are the explanation to what is happening, what you can do and where we are heading. If you want to ignore the signs, so be it. If you want to embrace the NEW AGE of Heaven on Earth watch these videos and start living life with joy and love and gratitude!

Love signal; music & Solfeggio frequency 528 Hz

My Blog

"A Course in Miracles" Lesson 361-365

FINAL LESSONSIntroduction1 Our final lessons will be left as free of words as possible. We use them but at the beginning of our practising, and only to remind us that we seek to go beyond them. Let us...
Posted by on Sat, 25 Apr 2009 07:16:00 GMT

"A Course in Miracles" Lesson 360

Peace be to me, the holy Son of God.Peace to my brother, who is one with me.Let all the world be blessed with peace through us.1 Father, it is Your peace that I would give, receiving it of You. I am Y...
Posted by on Fri, 24 Apr 2009 05:14:00 GMT

"A Course in Miracles" Lesson 359

Gods answer is some form of peace. All painIs healed; all misery replaced with joy.All prison doors are opened. And all sinIs understood as merely a mistake.1 Father. today we will forgive Your world...
Posted by on Thu, 23 Apr 2009 04:54:00 GMT

"A Course in Miracles" Lesson 358

LESSON 358No call to God can be unheard nor leftUnanswered. And of this I can be sure;His answer is the one I really want.1 You Who remember what I really am alone remember what I really want. You spe...
Posted by on Wed, 22 Apr 2009 04:54:00 GMT

"A Course in Miracles" Lesson 357

Truth answers every call we make to God,Responding first with miracles, and thenReturning unto us to be itself.1 Forgiveness, truths reflection, tells me how to offer miracles, and thus escape the pr...
Posted by on Tue, 21 Apr 2009 06:01:00 GMT

"A Course in Miracles" Lesson 356

Sickness is but another name for sin.Healing is but another name for God.The miracle is thus a call to Him.1 Father, You promised You would never fail to answer any call Your Son might make to You. It...
Posted by on Mon, 20 Apr 2009 05:51:00 GMT

"A Course in Miracles" Lesson 355

There is no end to all the peace and joy,And all the miracles that I will give,When I accept Gods Word. Why not today?1 Why should I wait, my Father, for the joy You promised me? For You will keep Yo...
Posted by on Sun, 19 Apr 2009 06:13:00 GMT

"A Course in Miracles" Lesson 354

We stand together, Christ and I, in peaceAnd certainty of purpose. And in HimIs His Creator, as He is in me.1 My oneness with the Christ establishes me as Your Son, beyond the reach of time, and wholl...
Posted by on Sat, 18 Apr 2009 04:21:00 GMT

"A Course in Miracles" Lesson 353

My eyes, my tongue, my hands, my feet todayHave but one purpose; to be given ChristTo use to bless the world with miracles.1 Father, I give all that is mine today to Christ, to use in any way that bes...
Posted by on Fri, 17 Apr 2009 05:46:00 GMT

"A Course in Miracles" Lesson 352

Judgement and love are opposites. From oneCome all the sorrows of the world. But fromThe other comes the peace of God Himself.1 Forgiveness looks on sinlessness alone, and judges not. Through this I c...
Posted by on Thu, 16 Apr 2009 05:12:00 GMT