♥Forever His♥ profile picture

♥Forever His♥


About Me

Call me Courtney Jane.
I'm 16.8 years young.
I'm 5'2" short.
I try to live simple life.
But high school kind of stand's in the way
with all of it's lame drama.
I have a boyfriend,
so don't try to get with me.
I have 3 amazing little brothers
that I want to give the world to.
My brothers are 7,6, and 1.
I work at Mcdonalds.
That is pretty much my life.
School, work, boyfriend and family.

Want to know more:
Or shyttitscourtney

Event of the Day.
I've had my car for almost a full week. It's amazing. Chris and I's 9 month is on thursday, And so is my mommy's birthday. Friday I leave for New York, which is pretty exciting too.
One week till Chris and I's nine month, very excited.
However; extremely excited about getting my car tonight. :)
I get my paycheck tommorrow. Yippee skippy, That means I'll have more moneyyy. Which is just one step closer to getting a car.
I got my hamster. It's a boy, named Sniffer and he is a teddy bear hamster. It's very wonderful. Sniffer is so darn cute.
I'm getting a hamster soon and I'm pretty darn excited. I love teddy bear hamsters. :)
Today was interesting, everything was terrific till work. I think I'm going this weekend to job hunt.
New Motto:
I'm HATIng it.
A new month, which means summer is getting closerrr. I'm super excited! A lot is going to happen this summer, it's going to be a summer to remember.
It's been a long week between work and apparent drama that I'm dealing with. Because I'm too blame and yet I'm somehow not involved in something that is my fault? It doesn't make sense to me either.
I'm going to NY from June 6th to June 18th, I'm pretty excited. I'm getting my senior picture's done while I'm up there so that's pretty cool too. I found out today I def. made it into Allied Health which is awesome.
I have had work pretty much all week, which sucks because it's spring break. On the day's I did have off I have gotten to spend it with the love of my life. CUDDLE BUG.
I spent the day with my Cuddle bug. We went bowling and watched movies and attempted to get him a job.... and I made him dinner. I love love love him.
Prom prom prom. And chris and I's seven month. I'm all tan and such. Tonight will be amazing, and nothing less than that.
Haven't done this in a long time. I went to concert, amazing. It's been six monthes for chris andI which is more, amazing. And I've had more hours at work. which is amazing.
Happy six months baby!!! I planned a surprise and I got just as much of a surprise. It was a wonderous day for my love and I.
Only like 11 Days till the concert. Pretty awesome I think. I want some warm weather, not the hot icky kind. I want to get a ten. And my new goal is losing 10 pounds by april.
I got a new computer. And valentines day rocked. Only 14 days till Seether, Breaking Ben and 3 Days grace. Yippeeeeeeee.
Wow, it's been forever since I've written in this. Uhmm, tomorrow's Valentine's Day. Who is excited? Courtney isssssssssss.
So my hours... cut again at work. Any wayssss. I have a cold sore. And it hurts. thought I should share. I finally have texting on my cell too. Wicked stuff.
Exams are over, I finally have lunch with Chris. My hours at work have been cut and it suckssss, bad. But on the happy side I see my babycakes a lot.
So i have exam's this week. what joy... but besides that life is pretty swell. and i'm madly, crazily in love with my boyfrandddd. like till forever.
I've been too busy working and spending time with my boyfriend to update this. So in a nut shell it's been like this... sleep school work sleep school work sleep school work... then on the weekends work boyfriend work boyfriend work... I love it.
I love that people have stolen my box and put another label on it and try to make it there own. At least I admit that I got the idea from my friend Christie. This is some BS people.
I went to the mall and took Lynn to get her nose pierced, very very exciting day. What a dayyyyy.
Chris is mad that i have super cool myspace skills, and he doesn't !!
Chris and I are developing our own 10 commandments for our relationship. They are pretty rad.
Christmassss woottttttttttt. Presents and money.
Christmas Eveeeeeeeeeeee. Woot woot.
I will be at the mall, then most likely helping get the house ready for Christmas dinner. [Most of the snow has melted... I'm very depressed about this fact.]
I spent my day in country's store's and the mall. And being ignored by my boyfriend. Yippee....
We went to the mall today with Nick and Ashley. We went to Friday's and ate yummy food. Fun stuffff.
One year from Chelsea's death. I miss her, rest in peace girlie.
Today was my Dad's birthday. I made him peanut butter fudge and got him a hat and massage thingy. I think I made his life by doing so. Which makes me happy in turn.
I came into NY today and went to the cheesecake factory for the first time. Yummy.
Made cookies and hung out with my mom, Actually get to go to NY tomorrow.
Snow storm in New York so I don't get to go to NY yet... Oh well.
I go to New York tomorrow for those who didn't know. Yippee.
Yeahhh, my last day of school until January. I am pretty excited.
I finally cleaned my room. I had like 3 or 4 ples of claen laundry everywhere.
Started my report over, decided I didn't like my original idea.
Worked from 3 to 7... We had that sale thing and it was way crazy.
School today, I did NOT want to get up. Then I started my report for paychology... half way done.
Got our christmas tree, then we picked up Chris. We watched the game... the patriot's won again...
Had work from 11-3... Then I went to Nicholas's soccer game. Chris came over until 10ish.
Found out I was on that lame gossip girl page. I find this interesting and amusing.
Nothing eventful happens on thursdays.
Chris and I's three month. I love you babyyyy.
Last day of night school. Yippee.
Had work from 4-8 at the drive in window, that resulted in a bruise.
Went to my grandparents for a bit.
Worked from 1 to 5.
Went to see Beowulf... Very odd.
Orientation at McDonalds.
Rules, stinky uniform, and my schedule.
I got a job today, at McDonald's.
Chris and I got together forever.

My Interests

My Boyfriend
If you could think of something so amazing,
that just the thought takes your breath away,
that thing would be Christopher James for me.
This is a boy who can
put the biggest smile on my face.
He is a boy who amazes me to no end.
Everyday he says something new
and that thing is ten times better
than what he said the day before.
He constantly tells me new things
about himself that surprise me.
Chris is a boy who could steal
your ♥ just by looking at you.
I could never ask for a better boyfriend,
Because it's impossible to find a boyfriend
in this world that is as
perfect, handsome, intelligent, caring
and loving as he is.
Till forever and always.

I'd like to meet:

Comment Me.


Love them.
Christopher James

My Blog

Christopher James. <3

He is the boy that...-Doesn't mind if I eat more than him,-Listen's to all my problem's and tells me it will all be okay,-Doesn't care that I'm sarcastic,-Sings songs with and to me,-Isn't embarassed ...
Posted by ♥Forever His♥ on Sun, 14 Oct 2007 02:11:00 PST