As low as $10
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Don't have paypal?? Don't worry! We accept cash! Read our blog for info!
Comment Below :D
Frequently Asked Questions
·Do I know you?
»Probably not, we are a CLOTHING COMPANY
Why are your new shirts so expensive?
»It cost us alot more money to make these new shirts! They are all made from scratch! The NIWL team screen printed, cut and sewed these shirts. They are also made out of the softest fabric you will ever feel. They are worth every penny you will spend, i promise!
Do you still have the icrecream shirt?
·Will you guys sponsor me or my band??
· How much is shipping?
»If you live within the U.S. it is $5, if you live in another country shipping is $11.
·I don't live in the United States! How can I get a shirt?
»If you or your parents have a paypal account or credit card, you can use our website to buy a shirt ( If you don't have access to a credit card or paypal account message us, and we can see the currency exchange rate, and you can mail the money to us!
·Do you sell you shirts in any stores?
» Nope
·How can I be in your "Reps" section?
»Buy a T shirt and send us a picture of you wearing it =]
·Can I make you guys a design?
»You sure can! Feel free to draw anything you want for us, we love new ideas. Just send it to us and we'll consider making it a design!
·Can I model your clothes?
»If you live near us and we sort-of know you, yes. But if you live far, sorry. You're just going to have to buy a shirt and take a picture yourself.
·Will you like totally whore me?
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