I've always loved my football and my beer. I'm a bit of a beer fanatic and have tasted roughly in the region of 400 different beers. That includes a period where I managed to consume 70 different beers in the space of just eight days without ever repeating a single one! I'm also the sort of person who tends to have an interest of the month. I'll become really interested in something and become ultra passionate then move onto something new a few weeks later.
Sean Connery, Takeshi Kitano, Eric Cantona, Noel Gallagher, Hitomi Yoshizawa, Kevin Brauch, Hayao Miyazaki, Mark Latham and that ever indescribable 'Special Someone'. ;-)
I don't really mind as long as its good. Everything from Jazz to Heavy Metal to R'n'B and Classical. My favourite artists at the moment include Oasis, Morning Musume, The Beatles, Kanye West, Play Bach Trio, Orange Pekoe, the Killers and Operator Please among others.
I like watching classic films, anime and foreign cinema. That said I'm willing to watch just about anything really as long as it can hold my interest for long enough.
I tend to not watch much television. I've got cable and it's like 78 channels with nothing on! When I do watch it I tend to watch British comedy, sports or movies. The only shows I would watch on a regular basis are The Simpsons, Doctor Who and The Chaser's War on Everything. Those guys just make me laugh so hard.
I don't tend to read very much. Things that are short and interesting is quite good though. Mainly magazine & newspaper articles or things online. I enjoy learning new things and exploring new topics which I may not know much about. This tends to combine quite nicely with my topic of the month fetish.
Steve Waugh and Misato Katsuragi.