i lov3 having fun.
chillin with family n fri3nds..
sp3ndin tim3 with JON3LL!!
SOFTBALL!! I lov3 3v3rything about it!
i love you KASARA!!
my b3autiful sis SALOT3!!
my lil old3r sis N3ssa!!
"That on3 sp3cial som3on3" AALIYAH!! CIARA!! J_LO!! MARIAH!!
i lov3 most music.. R&B-HIPhop-r3gga3-anything mostly.. not on3 for h3avy m3tal tho.. my favorit3 artist is AAliYAH but th3 clos3st thing to h3r th3s3 days is my girl CIARA! i lov3 h3r music! And h3r p3rsonality! JAGG3d 3dg3 is da b3st!! my home boy SAIA!! doin big boi thangs at ASU!! my "brothers"
LOV3 & bask3tball.. Th3 NOT3BOOK.. A l3agu3 OF th3ir OWN.. LAUGHIN WITH SAMOANS.. Two can Play that GAM3.. HITCH.. D3jaVU.. r3ally any movi3..
SPORTS C3NT3R.. B3T, MTV,CMT watch wat3v3r wh3n3v3r i hav3 tim3.. its anaMARY and anaLisha!!
"MY NOT3B00K"My B3autiful LATINA girls!! MUUAAHH!!
Th3 lord, My moth3r, My sist3r TASHA, My family, My br0th3rs K3nn3th,Mik3y,&ian. 3sp3cially thos3 that push m3 furth3r to striv3 for th3 b3st and n3v3r giv3 up.. My fri3nds that i can always count on!