Birds of every kind (especially pre-historic ones), children, yoga and building muscles, serial killers and human behavior, conversations with interesting people, planting flowers, trees and digging in the dirt, living life to the absolute fullest, hammocks, Bruce Lee, Lou Ferrigno, spelunking with Lena and Chris, swimming in snapping turtle infested lakes, mosaics, Taiko drumming, camping, playing with dogs, being ridiculously silly, rollerskating, singing really loud, learning and loving, expanding my states of consciousness
myself in all of my former lives, creative people who like to test the limits of reality
classical music!! almost all cheesy 80's music, glam bands and heavy metal, electronic music of almost every kind (especially really gay diva house music when the party has long been over)
Return of the Dragon, Enter the Dragon, Chinese Connection, Breakin', Rocky 3(with Mr T), Flashdance, documentaries, so many more
The Incredible Hulk, Fame!, Night Rider, Alf and most shows from the 80's
true stories and biographies, Globalize Liberation, Army of None, Food Revolution, The Evolutionary Mind, too many more to name
The Incredible Hulk, My Mom, Jason Justice