Bands Get Booked is here to help local bands in anyway shape or form. I will be finding bigger and better ways to bring more people into smaller shows. I will be doing Charities, Benefits, Fundraisers, Parties and just plain Shows, but I'm going to need help from all of you!!!
As soon as things start coming together, I will need to start a street team. Without one, it will be hard for me to accomplish anything. In order to be a street team member, I just need you to be able to help me promote every show as much as possible by spreading the word, hanging fliers in your hometown, posting bulletins and bringing people in!!! Those a little more dedicated to the street team... meaning, those of you who help organize and set up all of the shows, will get hooked up in one way or another. (i.e.; Free t-shirts, stickers, pins, cd's etc... from your favorite local bands. Free entry passes. +more)