musa loves and hates to talk about her; she's nineteen years old, she lives in florence - in november she'll go to live in london, yo! -
crazy little pink emophobic bitch! she
prefers to talk and write in english, because she hates so much doing it in italian.
italy sucks haha! she loves photography and every form of art; when she have nothin' to do, she likes to draw, and draw, and
draw as far as her hands ( and her brain ) can do it. she hates so much to be
labelled, so, don't do it, if you care of your miserable life :) she
likes to spend all of her ( poor little ) money in necklaces, bracelets,
earrings and tons of many other futile things. she's obsessed with furry crowns
and pink wigs (bellamybellamybellamy).. and her ego is larger than godzilla one.
if you want to know something more about her, just read this shit!
- yes, she watches disney channel
- yes, she is an artist (egomaniac)
- yes, she is emophobic (not the phobia of emo kids)
- yes, she hates you :D
spike muse striped cats bagsbagsbags (magic)mushrooms muffin briefs bananas alcohol books vampires
photography nikon art cookies insomnia graphic jigglypuff concerts noise
pornoparty pink leopardAMPLIFIERS candies starbucks' frappuccino london make
strange things with her poor hairs! stars rave mintendo ds lite pink psycho earrings travel
powerpuff milkshake psychodraws stickers multicolor mouse mac english coffee
fruity tea infusions butterflies tattoos piercings trash! eyeliner+kajal posters..
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write to the fabulous bitch ♥
magic mushrooms