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Christopher David Hanson

"I'm a Black Sheep Asleep at the Devil's feet"

About Me

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I've made numerous myspace pages for the bands I've been in and you can hear more of my music on them by following these links: you want to listen to a great new heavy band, straight out of Babbitt, I just finished recording, go and check out these guys. ............................................................ ..................................................Well here goes... My name is pretty easy to figure out. I've plastered it up as the background for my page. Yup. Christopher David Hanson. The one and only...well that's not exactly true. I googled my name and there are a few others, but none of them look like me and I'm fairly certain none of them act like me. I'm not sure if that's a good or bad thing but it is what it is. What the hell am I talking about again? Oh yeah. This is the "BAND BIO" section. Well that's going to be a little tough to write in any length about considering there is no, "BAND" to speak of at the moment. I suppose I could recap all the bands I've been in, or all the people I've played with, but I tried that approach before. It's the list on the left hand side if your interested in specifics. To tell you the truth, I can hardly stand reading it.....Boring is a word that pops into my mind right off the bat. So I'll just say this. I'm a songwriter. I write songs. I sing the songs I write and I write the songs I sing...for the most part. O.K. I do a cover every now and then but I definitely don't make a habit of it. I'm a little to "heavily over inspired" to do a good job on a cover. I always feel the need to throw in my proverbial "two cents" and I usually end up butchering a perfectly good piece of music, and since it's too late to make a long story short, as far as me and covering songs goes, I'll end that topic by just saying, "I prefer doing original music." I know it would have been a lot easier just saying that right away but then there goes the bulk of my "BAND BIO". I find it nearly impossible to break up the band when I'm the only one in it. I've been together for a long time. I've had my ups and downs. God knows I've thought long and hard about kicking myself out of my "one man band" band, but through it all I've always been there for myself. Picking myself up when I've fallen down, which is almost a gymnastic achievement when you think about it, literally as well as metaphorically, and being there for myself through the good times as well as the bad. (I guess I don't really have a choice as far as that goes, do I?) It's like a guardian angel except without wings or any super powers of any kind. Yeah. I know. That's silly I am...Rock you like a hurricane.

My Interests


Member Since: 6/8/2005
Band Website: Your here
Band Members:Band line up changes frequently. I've never seen the need to "hire and fire" artists. Rather, I keep a revolving door policy with the musicians and artists I've had the honor of working with through the years. Here are some the people that I have collaborated with in the past:Kevin Idso - producton, engineering (Kronk, the Fucking Shit Biscuits) Cade Thompson-bass, drums, vocals, production, composition (Good Looking Corpse or GLC, Hellen Killer, Hoodang and the hired guns), Uncle Orvin Thompson-vocals, drums, guitars, pianos, organ, keyboard, production, composition ( Ipso Facto, GLC ), Camreon Heacock-vocals, drums, guitar, bass guitar, organ, production, composition (American Head Charge), Benji Hellberg-guitars, production, composition (American Head Charge), Tshisuaka-vocals, rhymes, guitar, bass, drums, composition, production (Propagandja, Hoodang, and Countless other projects) Lydell Arboleda-vocals, guitar, bass guitar, production, composition (Countach, Hellen Killer, GLC, Kids Hangin round the kitchen... dead or KHRTKD, 12 Gauge Reply), Brandon Laliberte-drums, production, composition (Countach, GLC, KHRTKD, Hellen Killer, Hoodang and the hired guns), Aaron Adsitt-drums, production, composition (Hellen Killer and countless other projects), James Hollen-guitar, bass guitar, production, composition (Hellen Killer, GLC, Hoodang), Greg Spireck-vocals, composition (Style Monkeez, Premium, Hellen Killer), Shawn Walker-drums (Style monkeez, Ouiji Radio, Girth), Edward Mouss-drums, production, composition (Hellen Killer, Hoodang, Bound by Mournig), Mike Jerick-drums, guitar, vocals, production, composition (Tonage, Girth, Tall Grass, Hoodang, GLC), Will Denham-guitars, composition (Tallgrass), Russel Boebert-vocals, piano, keyboards, beats, production, composition (Hellen Killer, Hoodang, 1000 flies), Nick Tillman-bass guitar, composition (Girth, Tall Grass), Dean /D-know-vocals, rhymes, beats (D-know, 1000 flies) Joe benish-drums (GLC) Dave Eagle-guitar, vocals, bass guitar, production, composition (GLC, Hoodang, Hellen Killer, Trashcan Alligators), Jamie"Jaymo"Leader -bass guitar, composition (Hellen Killer, Hoodang, Slur), Chris Munch-guitar, bass guitar, composition ( Hellen Killer, Hoodang, Bound by Mourning) Mike Crow-guitar, bass guitar, production, composition (end of the trail), Dan Arboleda-guitar, vocals, bass guitar, production, composition (Countach, Hoodang,)the list goes on and on. There are just too many to recall. I will update the list from time to time. So to anyone I left out, I truly apologize. please email your information to me if we've worked together and your not listed above.I will make sure to put you on this list asap. Thanks, ~Hambone~
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Sounds Like: Well....I sound like me. If I happen to sound like someone else it's usually a short lived thing. I get tired of doing the same thing . It's not really a short attention span so much as it is the fact that I get side tracked very easily. It's hereditary I'm pretty sure. I've watched my dad start about four different projects in a span of about 45 minutes. He'll finish them all, mind you, but none the less he multi tasks most of the time. I shouldn't really compare myself to him because I on the other hand don't always finish them. Sometimes they are just catalysts to something more monumental and seemingly unattainable. I like to dream big in other words. See what I mean though. I'm supposed to be writing about what I sound like and I'm off on some tangent, talking about goals and dreams. Let me try to get back to what I sound like. Here's a great idea. How about, instead of me, trying to express my sound through limiting vocabulary and disconnecting metaphor, I just direct you up to the media player at the top of this page. Go ahead and pick a song, and listen to it. That's what I sound like. Hell why not listen to all six. I might just surprise you. Yeah let's do it that way. Good Times. lol.
Record Label: unsigned
Type of Label: None

My Blog

Babbitt is on the mapYes it is a link! An awesome link! I'm drunk.... but...listen.Last week I started recording with these guysso they could get there mater...
Posted by Christopher David Hanson on Thu, 04 Sep 2008 11:43:00 PST


loss and then where were, weren't you once wh=n I was lost. GONE!i guess you figured and now we've got our selves a figurerFUCK!   me oh my oh me oh my oh me oh- oh- oh shut the fuck up...
Posted by Christopher David Hanson on Thu, 07 Aug 2008 01:07:00 PST

monkey f’r

Posted by Christopher David Hanson on Thu, 24 Jul 2008 06:46:00 PST

the allogistics

Thou shalt not commit laundry Thou shalt not covet thy neighbor's food Thou shalt not create ties with the scathed Thou shalt always go for greatness Thou shalt not commit adulthood Thou shalt not p...
Posted by Christopher David Hanson on Mon, 07 Jul 2008 10:48:00 PST

got milk? you got knocked the F@*K out!

America&39;s Got Talent Clip: Busty Heart Uncensored ...
Posted by Christopher David Hanson on Fri, 04 Jul 2008 08:32:00 PST


Singin' Dog! ...
Posted by Christopher David Hanson on Sat, 21 Jun 2008 07:35:00 PST


Posted by Christopher David Hanson on Thu, 19 Jun 2008 07:11:00 PST

landlord issues!!!!

..>The Landlord on>...
Posted by Christopher David Hanson on Wed, 18 Jun 2008 02:17:00 PST

camp clovenhoof

These guys are friggin cool as hell.What is camp clovenhoof?They are a band... if you get a minute check em out.They are in my friends list if you can't find them on your own.SeRiOuSlY fOlKs!!!!ChecK ...
Posted by Christopher David Hanson on Wed, 18 Jun 2008 11:13:00 PST

Caga tió

The night before Christmas we went to our friends', Marc, Emma , India and baby Iona, house to celebrate a Catalan tradition called " Caga tió " which translated would be, " Shit log ". I know....a l...
Posted by Christopher David Hanson on Sun, 08 Jun 2008 12:07:00 PST