Member Since: 6/8/2005
Band Website: Your here
Band Members:Band line up changes frequently. I've never seen the need to "hire and fire" artists. Rather, I keep a revolving door policy with the musicians and artists I've had the honor of working with through the years. Here are some the people that I have collaborated with in the past:Kevin Idso - producton, engineering (Kronk, the Fucking Shit Biscuits) Cade Thompson-bass, drums, vocals, production, composition (Good Looking Corpse or GLC, Hellen Killer, Hoodang and the hired guns), Uncle Orvin Thompson-vocals, drums, guitars, pianos, organ, keyboard, production, composition ( Ipso Facto, GLC ), Camreon Heacock-vocals, drums, guitar, bass guitar, organ, production, composition (American Head Charge), Benji Hellberg-guitars, production, composition (American Head Charge), Tshisuaka-vocals, rhymes, guitar, bass, drums, composition, production (Propagandja, Hoodang, and Countless other projects) Lydell Arboleda-vocals, guitar, bass guitar, production, composition (Countach, Hellen Killer, GLC, Kids Hangin round the kitchen... dead or KHRTKD, 12 Gauge Reply), Brandon Laliberte-drums, production, composition (Countach, GLC, KHRTKD, Hellen Killer, Hoodang and the hired guns), Aaron Adsitt-drums, production, composition (Hellen Killer and countless other projects), James Hollen-guitar, bass guitar, production, composition (Hellen Killer, GLC, Hoodang), Greg Spireck-vocals, composition (Style Monkeez, Premium, Hellen Killer), Shawn Walker-drums (Style monkeez, Ouiji Radio, Girth), Edward Mouss-drums, production, composition (Hellen Killer, Hoodang, Bound by Mournig), Mike Jerick-drums, guitar, vocals, production, composition (Tonage, Girth, Tall Grass, Hoodang, GLC), Will Denham-guitars, composition (Tallgrass), Russel Boebert-vocals, piano, keyboards, beats, production, composition (Hellen Killer, Hoodang, 1000 flies), Nick Tillman-bass guitar, composition (Girth, Tall Grass), Dean /D-know-vocals, rhymes, beats (D-know, 1000 flies) Joe benish-drums (GLC) Dave Eagle-guitar, vocals, bass guitar, production, composition (GLC, Hoodang, Hellen Killer, Trashcan Alligators), Jamie"Jaymo"Leader -bass guitar, composition (Hellen Killer, Hoodang, Slur), Chris Munch-guitar, bass guitar, composition ( Hellen Killer, Hoodang, Bound by Mourning) Mike Crow-guitar, bass guitar, production, composition (end of the trail), Dan Arboleda-guitar, vocals, bass guitar, production, composition (Countach, Hoodang,)the list goes on and on. There are just too many to recall. I will update the list from time to time. So to anyone I left out, I truly apologize. please email your information to me if we've worked together and your not listed above.I will make sure to put you on this list asap. Thanks, ~Hambone~
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Sounds Like: Well....I sound like me. If I happen to sound like someone else it's usually a short lived thing. I get tired of doing the same thing . It's not really a short attention span so much as it is the fact that I get side tracked very easily. It's hereditary I'm pretty sure. I've watched my dad start about four different projects in a span of about 45 minutes. He'll finish them all, mind you, but none the less he multi tasks most of the time. I shouldn't really compare myself to him because I on the other hand don't always finish them. Sometimes they are just catalysts to something more monumental and seemingly unattainable. I like to dream big in other words. See what I mean though. I'm supposed to be writing about what I sound like and I'm off on some tangent, talking about goals and dreams. Let me try to get back to what I sound like. Here's a great idea. How about, instead of me, trying to express my sound through limiting vocabulary and disconnecting metaphor, I just direct you up to the media player at the top of this page. Go ahead and pick a song, and listen to it. That's what I sound like. Hell why not listen to all six. I might just surprise you. Yeah let's do it that way. Good Times. lol.
Record Label: unsigned
Type of Label: None