Tony Faehse profile picture

Tony Faehse

About Me

Three independent CD releases LEARN TO FLY 2002, ST TROPEZ 2004 & DANCE WITH A FLOWER IN YOUR HAIR 2007 will be followed by a new release QUATRE in 2009. Continuing my rather varied musical wanderings, everything from Samba to Soul and all in between, a mixture of instrumentals and songs, with four guest vocalists Sara Liversidge, Diana Clark, Joe Camilleri & Tanya Riordan and also featuring the talents of my Melbourne musician friends. My career as a rock guitarist and writer goes back to the '60's (Music Express) the 70's (Alvin Stardust) the '80's (Jo Jo Zep & the Falcons) etc.... since then I've used the nylon string classical as my main guitar voice, along with steel string acoustic, electric and slide git. For the full story and to hear all my music please visit my website..

My Interests


Member Since: 16/04/2007
Band Website:
Band Members: ....on the album '"DANCE WITH A FLOWER IN YOUR HAIR" Diana Clark vocals, Rob Price vocals, George Butrumlis accordion, Jen Anderson violin & viola, Adam Simmons reeds and shakuhachi, Bruce Haymes keyboards, Steve Hadley double bass, Tony Floyd drums & percussion, Peter Jones drums & percussion, Bruce Sandell flute and Craig Pilkington trumpet. All guitars and some vocals by Tony Faehse. ....on the album "ST STOPEZ" by "FASH" Diana Clark vocals, George Butrumlis accordion, John Watson drums, Wilbur Wilde sax, Bruce Sandell sax & flute, Andrew Hammond trombone, Ross Irwin trumpet, Bruce Haymes keyboards, Neda Rehmani percussion. All guitars and bass by Tony Faehse. ....on the album "LEARN TO FLY" Jeff Burstin guitar, Bruce Haymes keyboards, Jen Anderson violin & viola, Vika & Linda Bull vocals. All guitars, bass & programming by Tony Faehse.
Influences: like everyone I am influenced and continue to be influenced by everything I hear, which in my case covers everything from Puccini to Cetano Veloso
Sounds Like: Nothing springs to mind
Record Label: sound vault records
Type of Label: Indie

My Blog

new album now set for release early in 2010

wow, what a saga this album has been..but you get that! I'm sure it will all make sense in retrospect, part of life's rich tapestry and all that! more info when I'm sure of distribution
Posted by on Thu, 03 Dec 2009 03:42:00 GMT

new album has great guest vocalists

after a major rework the new album is done, now with some of Melbourne's great singing talent.... Diana Clark who has featured on my last two albums, jazz singer Sarah Liversidge, opera soprano Tanya ...
Posted by on Tue, 15 Sep 2009 05:58:00 GMT

Pete Best (Herald-Sun) rates "Flower" in 2007’s top 10 albums

Sunday Herald Sun, December 23, 2007...Pete Best rates "Dance with a Flower in your Hair" (Sound Vault) number 6 in his TOP TEN CD OF THE YEAR for 2007, "Memories of glorious pop moments-without hints...
Posted by on Wed, 02 Jan 2008 14:38:00 GMT

check out my web site, for CD purchase and album downloads, film clips from recent times to the distant past, reviews and all my music to listen to.
Posted by on Mon, 08 Oct 2007 07:55:00 GMT

Sunday Herald Sun review 27/5/07 (****1/2!!!)

Dance with a Flower in Your HairTony Faehse(Sound Vault)****1/2 (four & a half stars!!!)In short: It's a long way from Alvin Stardust-thank God.^TONY Faehse sets off at what might best be described as...
Posted by on Mon, 28 May 2007 06:28:00 GMT

CD's available from....

TO BUY CD's OR DOWNLOAD ALBUMS GO TO MY WEB SITEhttp://www.tonyfaehse.comOr in person from The Last Record Store, 304 Smith St, Collingwood or Blue Moon 54 Johnson St, Fitzroy Vic (phone 03 9415 1157)...
Posted by on Mon, 30 Apr 2007 18:11:00 GMT

CD review from Samantha

From SAMANTHA Date: 27 April 2007 Subject: CD Dance with a flower in your hairThankyou sooooo much Unka!!We adore it. My very favourite track is 10 Sands of time. The beginning is just haunting and lo...
Posted by on Sun, 29 Apr 2007 23:45:00 GMT

reply to Samantha

From: Tony FaehseDate: 30 April 2007 8:32:37 AMThanks again Sam, your the second person to pick out Sands of time, which I thought might be too weird for people, but...
Posted by on Sun, 29 Apr 2007 19:56:00 GMT

Purchasing any of my CDs

copies of any of my three CDs can be bought at Retro Active 307 High St Northcote Victoria, phone 03 9489 4566 open 12 to 5 Tues to Sun (10 am opening Sat) Also available on-line at http://www.tonyf...
Posted by on Mon, 23 Apr 2007 01:07:00 GMT

film clip link

search U-tube for FASH ST TROPEZor go to
Posted by on Sun, 22 Apr 2007 07:53:00 GMT