My general interests interest me.
Lost rocks my Scottish socks.
Banks, Steel, Hornby, Dickens, Pullman, Koontz.
It's kind of annoying when someone knows you well enough to know when you're lying about something. She knows when something's up and doesn't get off my back 'til I tell her what it is. She's pretty insightful for someone of another race, and I love it. You know your best friend is your best friend when she knows you're going to make a crap joke and buries her head in her hands in shame, or can finish off most of your sentences for you, even when she isn't taking the piss. She's earnt my trust, and I know I have hers. I've known her almost a year and all of you who think you can't develop a great friendship in that time can go get raped by a very well-endowed horse.
I'll miss her.
And the rest of them: