I like lots of things. Finished university doing a degree in sculpture and now haven't got a clue what i want to do with my life. Just havign a bit of fun now after making certain changes to my life that weren't helping.
I like going out with my mates. having a few jaeger bombs, tuaca and pear vodka in the pub. yummy yummy. want to get some more tattoo's. at the moment i have two swallows on my stomach. love listenign to cheesy music and dancing like a crazy. especially when i've had a few drinks!
love getting ridiculously scared watching movies in the dark. have an obsession with things innappropriate thanks to john waters.
Love going out for dinner, infact food in general makes me happy. love going round Bonny and Jay's and makign cakey thigns with Bonny. Have lot's of fun talkign in wiltshire/bristolian accents, sometimes if feeling confident do a welsh one. was born in cardiff you see. I'm crap at typing mix all my letters up all the time as i pay no attention. I'm rubbish at computer games but i love playign them. best obssession at moment is batman lego style. can play for hours. love a good pub quiz here and there too. everynow and then im actually good at them too! I'm crap at tellign stories. love reminising. hate spiders they scare me sooooooooooooo badly. love pugs sooooooooo much they make me scream in a good way! oh and pineapple but it can make me a little bit ill, sometimes. My little pony's are cool. love their names and girly colours. Have way too many shoes! Love Prawns and rice and sweet chilli sauce. hmmm. foooooooooooooood!!!!!!!!!!!!I edited my profile with Thomas' Myspace Editor V4.4
My Interests
I'd like to meet:
John Waters the king of filth. Brody Dalle. Bettie Page. Tracey Emin. Natalie Portman. Seth Green. Darren Hayes (wait managed that one) Har Mar Superstar.