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About Me


I embrace on this timeless journey I find myself positioned in a captivated motion That has burned so deeply in my memory That my younger days seem to fade under These fresh images that repeatedly haunt me I find myself running in a trance that leaves me motionless Powerless… I find myself testing the waters in a timely manner My life unravels into scattered fragments Moments that slowly taunt me from behind Again my body continues to remain motionless Powerless… This pattern of despair has seemed to bury me deep under I find myself lost for breath, too dry for tears, and too tired to try My blurry vision allows me to see far beyond what is visible I remain motionless… to listen far beyond what my eyes can tell me.

My Interests

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I always hated exercise. I was the girl at school who found excuses to miss her PE lessons. Not that I needed to sweat at the gym, though - I was a trim size 6, I never considered myself overweight until two years ago when I had to get myself signed on the books of a model agency in LA. I did my research, and realized that I had to be a size 4 to achieve that.I needed results fast, and turned to the Model Body Perfection System . My body completely changed shape as a result. I was slim but I had never had a small waist, yet soon I lost a couple of inches off it. My shape was much more defined, and for the first time in my life I had a completely flat stomach. My arms toned up, my shoulders looked better. People started commenting on my figure. The transformation worked. The Agency accepted my new portfolio of photographs, and I was signed up as a swimsuit model with a leading agency (which cannot be named for legal reasons).I lived in the models residence for 2 months with the other models, and they were very interested in what I was doing in the gym.I really wouldn't have survived without The Lifesource Model Body Perfection System . My body completely changed I felt so much fitter. I would wake up with little difficulty.Even when I stopped training regularly for a year, I retained my longed-for waist. And when I had to get back into perfect shape for a new swimsuit shoot I returned back to Lifesource .I am a firm believer in muscles having a memory. The results were really quick. The assignment was a success. I was even offered a job at Stringfellow's as a table dancer, and those girls are really fit.

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