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I always hated exercise. I was the girl at school who found excuses to miss her PE lessons. Not that I needed to sweat at the gym, though - I was a trim size 6, I never considered myself overweight until two years ago when I had to get myself signed on the books of a model agency in LA. I did my research, and realized that I had to be a size 4 to achieve that.I needed results fast, and turned to the Model Body Perfection System . My body completely changed shape as a result. I was slim but I had never had a small waist, yet soon I lost a couple of inches off it. My shape was much more defined, and for the first time in my life I had a completely flat stomach. My arms toned up, my shoulders looked better. People started commenting on my figure. The transformation worked. The Agency accepted my new portfolio of photographs, and I was signed up as a swimsuit model with a leading agency (which cannot be named for legal reasons).I lived in the models residence for 2 months with the other models, and they were very interested in what I was doing in the gym.I really wouldn't have survived without The Lifesource Model Body Perfection System . My body completely changed I felt so much fitter. I would wake up with little difficulty.Even when I stopped training regularly for a year, I retained my longed-for waist. And when I had to get back into perfect shape for a new swimsuit shoot I returned back to Lifesource .I am a firm believer in muscles having a memory. The results were really quick. The assignment was a success. I was even offered a job at Stringfellow's as a table dancer, and those girls are really fit.