I am here for Dating, Serious Relationships, Friends and Networking
About Me
i love raisins but not in a cake; prosecco over champagne; I love to shop - but only abroad or online; i have 3 brothers; i grew up on tisenwaltsberg in beverly bäretswil; i hate oversized sunglasses but love oversized necklaces; i have lived zurich, lausanne, paris, boston, san francisco and berlin - but home is where my twin is; i hate spanish but love portugese; i would love to meet john c. mitchell and can't thank him enough for hedwig; i'm good with faces but bad with names; i don't drink coffe but can't have enough juice; i have an addiction to series; i have studied ancient greek and latin but my german sucks; i have worked in many restaurants in and around zurich; i love taking showers; i like going to the movies by myself; i love clubbing and meeting people; our mum tells us "if you party at night, you have to get up and work in the morning" - and so i do; i love women shoes but hate a girl with too much make-up and fake fingernails; we grew up on a farm but are no farmers; my favourite quotes include: "jöö frä müüsli, gahts ne grüüsli? blibet sie im hüüsli und mached sie es pfüüsli" - "the cat is back" - "make it work" - "öffne die venen" - "forget everything and remember" - "...gib das sofort wieder her...!"; i ski and snowboard (secretly loving snowboarding more); i love swiss german and all its wise expressions; chasperli ROCKS; i have a wife, but no sex; i loathe keira knightley but love natalie portman; i detest cats and small dogs; i played in a theater; maggie over jake; conan over jay; some say LESS is MORE - i say MORE is ALWAYS MORE......enough about me, what about you??
My Interests
I'd like to meet:
fatima from bombay, svetlana from minsk, dä wüästätüfel balabalabumba, pippi langstrumpf