*TUFF'S GIRL*! profile picture


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About Me

My name is Carmen n I am 26 years old mother of 5 now. Just gave birth to a beautiful baby girl.I have 4 girls n 1 boy. My kids are my world.I have a wonderful man he has been amazing to me and my kids.I am a crazy down to earth woman. Dont hang with to many females cuz they keep up to much sh*t. Im a hard working woman no time for games unless itsplaying the wii game with the kids. Dont have time for drama or the you got my man bullsh*t.Im too grown and sexy for the bullsh*t. Im not the type that will fight a female for a man but for my respect. But we have some females that don't understand when a man don't want to be bothered. I've grown to realize that a female can't take your man because if he were truly yours married or not anybody cant just come take him, you have to have given him away. Yea i said it!Anyways enough of the bullsh*t. Let me get straight to the point in life no one should blame anyone for there problems or what they go through. I have grown to realize i am in controll of my life not anyone but me. Thats why i put Me first. No im not selfish sh*t of i don't take care of my health and everything else how will i be able to stand to take care of my kids.Life is full of struggles ups and down just have to know how to make it through and take it one day @ a time.

imikimi - sharing creativity

imikimi - sharing creativity

imikimi - sharing creativity


My Interests

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My Blog

Imma Do Me

Living , Laughing,& Enjoying Life. Don't need no ones approvel. Live for you not for anyone.Remember every one has their own way of thinking. Think positive and thats the feedback you will get. Lo...
Posted by on Wed, 16 Apr 2008 21:09:00 GMT