Malignant Metal Promotions profile picture

Malignant Metal Promotions

About Me

Here's the deal:

I love metal. Malignant Metal Promotions started as a vision. I wanted to put on shows that people would remember, good bands and good vibes. I wanted to do it by myself, to make sure it was done right. I'm sick and tired of flakey promoters and and even flakier shows. I've got the first hand band experience (Dysphoria), professional experience running shows for upscale entertainment agencies, as well as a year of Algonquin College BUSINESS courses under my belt.

If you and your band want to play sometime in Ottawa and want a promoter who has valuable business experience to make sure your show is a success drop me a message and I'll see what I can do for you.


BOOKING - I'll book a venue for you and set up the bill and run the show. This includes all the promotion that goes along with the show.

My Interests


Member Since: 4/16/2007
Band Members: Cody Cassidy - Head of all operations
Influences: Anomalous, all shall parish, as blood runs black, beneath the massacre, braindrill, cephalic carnage, channeling darkness, cryptopsy, darkest hour, deamon, decrepit birth, dragonforce, dying fetus, job for a cowboy, knights of the abyss, lamb of god, necrophagist, nevermore, nile, odious mortem, origin, seeyounextuesday, semen across lips, short bus pile up, the black dahlia murder, the faceless, the red chord, vile, winds of plague, wecamewithbrokenteeth.

I could go on for days but you get the idea. Long live metal

You should create your own MySpace Layouts like me by using nUCLEArcENTURy .COM's MySpace Profile Editor !
Type of Label: Major

My Blog

04/23/07 Now booking shows

Malignant Metal is off the ground with the success of the first show at Mavericks April 5th. I am now looking for bands who want to play Ottawa shows. If your interested drop me a message. -Cody
Posted by on Mon, 23 Apr 2007 09:07:00 GMT