diapers, bottles, onesies, baby food (especially carrots yummm), I'm not afraid to wear my diaper out in public and wet in it infront of people. I'm proud to be a diaper lover.
Myspace Codes
I want to meet other adult babys.
My score on The The ABDL Test Female version Test :
True Adult Baby
(You scored 27 diaper purity, 82 baby purity, 7 LG purity, and 16 Furry purity!)
You are an Adult Baby. You know all there is to know about diapers and you know how to relax. You probably have a Mommy/Daddy who takes great care of you.
Link: The The ABDL Test Female version Test
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.. roundbox bot --A true Diaper lover!
You really know how to load and fill you diapers well!!
What Kind Of Diaper Are You?
You are Huggies, you are soft and hugable!
Myspace Codesimg src="http://www.doobix.com/images/dbx_codes.gif"
Punk rock during the day and a lullaby at night to put me to sleep.
Saturday morning cartoons and baby loony toons (I love minnie mouse he he). Also some CSI at night.
I don't like books that well.