'A U T O P U N C H-F R E S H S T A R T '
Ok so its been a while and heres how it goes, AUTOPUNCH lives on with a fresh face. Unfortunately Mitch Gee could not carry on with the project as he has other commitments, there is no beef and I wish him all the best.
So this is a fresh start, Danny Ingham a DJ/Producer from Huddersfield will be slipping into Mitch's shoes, We are both very excited and think that the summer of 09 is going to B-I-G for us both.We start work on some new songs mid June and will be reworking some old classics such as 'OMG YOUR GASH WANTS ME' and 'GET ON THE FLOOR'.So stay glued.
We are currently 'REPPING':
Suffoca Clothing:
Not much to say really as words can not describe how amazing this designer is. Look at the site an prepare to have your mind blown away by this fresh gear!