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Harsh Climate Change Once Fell Swiftly : Discovery News
Thirteen thousand years ago, Europe was plunged into a millennium-long deep freeze, and scientists now think they know why.
(We are on information overload, but how can we deny, major change is occurring and it is in our lifetime we are seeing earth wide world change).
Ice Sheet Breaks Off Arctic : Discovery News
A chunk of ice spreading across seven square miles has broken off a Canadian ice shelf in the Arctic, scientists said Tuesday.
Getting drastic about plastic
We all shop, we all can make a simple choice... plastic or No Plastic. Use reusable shopping bags. Plastic shopping bags take thousands of years to biodegrade in our earth. Just imagine one person, how many bags... times the billion of people in our world. I 'm guilty too, but I don't want to be anymore. Read more...
Recycle plastic bags
Recycle your already used plastic bags, then say no to plastic. :)
Otterly Cute