A-ha again, not greedy or anything just great guys to talk to they have been such a huge influence in my early years....Terry Wogan I love that man, he make me laugh so much, and he make a dull torrid Monday morning sooo much better, beets caffeine any day I'm def a TOG fully paid member.....Top Gear boys,I've been on that darn waiting list for the past 4 years now to see the guys in action, apart from that they make Sunday evenings so much better......Gordon Ramsay, love the F-word, showing people how to cook proper food none of the shit crap chilled frozen pre vomit frozen meal they called food! the man is a genius.......The Queen, been the head of State for over 50 years, seen Prime Minsters come and go, I wonder what she must think of some of them! amazing person in many ways.......A-ha - Velvet
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