Ladies and Gentlemen, welcome to my underground lair.
I'm Jeff. Call me Jeffro. 21. Virgo. Flighty as hell, but I'm looking at settling down... eventually.
I'm a "Jack of All Trades" kinda guy. There is little that doesn't interest me, or that I haven't dabbled in. I am open to experience every opportunity that this world throws at me. So hit me with your best shot. I like being surprised.
Browse through my blogs. Leave me input. They'll tell you a lot about where I've been. If you really want to get to know me, it's best to meet me in person. I don't like phones.
I'm currently rocking a Mk4 Jetta. Driving is my passion.
When I'm not working or driving aimlessly, I like making short films with friends, loitering at convenience stores, having social gatherings, and surrounding myself with good people. I'm a good person, and if you are too, we need to hang out. Bottom line.
Beer is my drug of choice. I enjoy Dos Equis, Tecate, Heineken, and the ever delicious Coors. Catch me on a good night and I may have a bottle of Sailor Jerry's. Buy me a rum and coke and I'll fall in love with you. Or maybe I'll just flirt.
I hate buying gas, but that doesn't mean I don't want to hang out. It's rare to see my car with more than a quarter of a tank.
I always enjoy meeting new people, although I can be extremely judgemental. You only get one chance to make a first impression, so aim for the bronze.
Addicted to music, premium unleaded gasoline, and Italian food. Or quesadillas.